Voir les scores ThinkForex

Score général: 1.9 / 5

Total des votes: 8
Facilité d’utilisation
Service client
1 - pire 5 - meilleur

Discussion ThinkForex

posts 51
This VPS is more often down on its knees than a 20$ crack-whore on deprivation. And loses connection often.

Once this butt fiddlers deleted all my files on the VPS.

What can I say positive on it? It's free.....and support is not bad. But I prefer a VPS like SW VPS where I even don't know if they have a support. Because I never need it!
posts 60

Do read carefully the terms of service, so won't get faked out.

This broker need to improve on transparency on the terms.
The above link could not be found anywhere on its webpage until you've request for the free vps.
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