Commitments of Traders Historical Report for October 08, 2019

Financial Futures

Non-Commercial Positions Commercial Positions Non-Reportable Positions Dealer Positions Asset Manager Positions Leveraged Funds Positions
Name open interest Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short
AUD 168839 43328 90272 93277 37433 29599 38499 79963 3204 14226 64261 39245 54689
BRL 58555 7674 53507 48344 2975 2412 1948 36813 407 2792 44754 14621 9438
CAD 136105 49071 43758 53697 59579 31010 30441 6382 32444 38623 26438 36925 35218
CHF 64837 15252 26299 39953 14721 8872 23057 30544 1708 1162 21918 20533 14794
EUR 514638 162777 238190 260777 206186 79487 58665 41243 90402 294473 172706 38991 141981
GBP 246896 29482 102701 191313 96609 21576 43061 136393 14616 43289 119022 32709 50258
JPY 150019 52803 41791 64209 79599 28987 24609 22659 38945 30790 35633 48832 35165
MXN 218266 159694 44298 51741 169319 5612 3430 217 144938 124556 9005 78481 41655
NZD 73793 14377 52594 55216 13794 2728 5933 48243 33 3580 31996 16067 31029
RUB 63947 38161 9783 24147 52794 1639 1370 0 44102 56044 0 5502 15041

Commodity Futures

Non-Commercial Positions Commercial Positions Non-Reportable Positions Producer/Merchant/Processor/User Positions Swap Dealers Positions Managed Money Positions
Name open interest Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short
Crude Oil 159752 58700 19953 80768 100214 17656 36957 49639 27421 24823 66487 0 6156
Silver 213968 90092 39338 73677 150583 34158 8006 16387 78595 54181 68879 73313 27107
Gold 616957 334383 58820 167755 478697 61518 26139 22269 176511 112484 269184 231976 31475
Copper 256724 69884 117977 108105 60124 14773 14661 54813 51309 46452 1975 41844 99644
Palladium 25414 17432 3722 3477 16864 2048 2371 854 9379 2147 7009 16134 1262
Platinum 84222 52217 25403 17925 54121 11250 1868 6359 27969 11506 26092 32237 17729
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