Analyze the market with Myfxbook advanced charts
Perform advanced technical analysis with Myfxbook charts. Powered by TradingView, the go-to charting library, embraced by millions of traders.
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Technical Indicators
Use over 100 popular indicators like EMA, RSI, MACD, Bollinger, Aroon and more.
Compare Markets
Compare price changes across markets to discover trends and insights.
Unique Data
Analyze forex and crypto data, providing a comprehensive view of market trends and patterns.
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Custom Timeframes
Dive into the data in minutes, hours, days and months.
Forex, Crypto & More
High-quality data including forex, crypto, and more.
Create visually distinctive charts by utilizing unique chart styles and color schemes tailored to your preferences.
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Our charts are powered by TradingView, a global platform for investors where you can track prices of the most popular stocks and other assets, read news, and find trade ideas.