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- Hedge Forex Funds
Hedge Forex Funds (Por AMGlimited)
Ganho : | +11.82% |
Drawdown | 18.52% |
Pips: | -943.0 |
Trades | 453 |
Ganhou : |
Perdeu : |
Digitar : | Real |
Alavancagem: | 1:500 |
Trading : | Desconhecido |
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Discussão Hedge Forex Funds
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2011
6 postagens
Oct 13, 2011 at 17:34
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2011
6 postagens
Hedge Forex Funds (Managed Account)
Benchmark : 0,50% / Day
Cross : "Cable" (GBP/USD)
Max DD : 16,00%
Currency Account: Euro (min. 5.000)
Currency Account: Usd (min. 10.000)
Performance Fee : 30,00% montly
Start up Fee : 0,00
HFF Staff
Benchmark : 0,50% / Day
Cross : "Cable" (GBP/USD)
Max DD : 16,00%
Currency Account: Euro (min. 5.000)
Currency Account: Usd (min. 10.000)
Performance Fee : 30,00% montly
Start up Fee : 0,00
HFF Staff
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2011
6 postagens
Oct 14, 2011 at 21:47
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2011
6 postagens
Trading Strategy
We manage our operating systems by evaluating the technical analysis and fundamental analysis. With our method we can apply our STRATEGY hedging to reduce the risk.
For many years, we apply our experience on our great success and great background with great satisfaction of our customers.
Our strategy is short term in order to be flexible for every need.
We manage our operating systems by evaluating the technical analysis and fundamental analysis. With our method we can apply our STRATEGY hedging to reduce the risk.
For many years, we apply our experience on our great success and great background with great satisfaction of our customers.
Our strategy is short term in order to be flexible for every need.
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2011
6 postagens
Oct 19, 2011 at 21:27
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2011
6 postagens
Hello traders!!!! ...this is a good info!!!! for new investor a 10% bonus !! ....max 10 investor.
Membro Desde Feb 16, 2010
1305 postagens
Oct 20, 2011 at 05:21
Membro Desde Feb 16, 2010
1305 postagens
Could you show something like a verified real account?
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2011
6 postagens
Oct 20, 2011 at 12:38
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2011
6 postagens
forexma posted:
Could you show something like a verified real account?
Hi Solar,
you can find all info that you need on our site: www.hedgeforexfunds.com
You can ask a password investor for control all our funds.
Thanks for your attention!
HFF Staff
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2011
6 postagens
Oct 31, 2011 at 11:25
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2011
6 postagens
AMGlimited posted:
Hello traders!!!! ...this is a good info!!!! for new investor a 10% bonus !! ....max 10 investor.
The Bonus is stopped!!! ...compliment to all investors!!
Membro Desde Sep 12, 2009
312 postagens
Oct 31, 2011 at 21:57
Membro Desde Sep 12, 2009
312 postagens
AMGlimited posted:
forexma posted:
Could you show something like a verified real account?
Hi Solar,
you can find all info that you need on our site: www.hedgeforexfunds.com
You can ask a password investor for control all our funds.
Thanks for your attention!
HFF Staff
It looks like ur trying to sell snake iol
Solar wanted to verify account
You want to show results on ur web site (ha ha ha cant stop laughing with b-----)
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2011
6 postagens
Nov 01, 2011 at 06:05
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2011
6 postagens
kishorejoga posted:
AMGlimited posted:
forexma posted:
Could you show something like a verified real account?
Hi Solar,
you can find all info that you need on our site: www.hedgeforexfunds.com
You can ask a password investor for control all our funds.
Thanks for your attention!
HFF Staff
It looks like ur trying to sell snake iol
Solar wanted to verify account
You want to show results on ur web site (ha ha ha cant stop laughing with b-----)

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