LemonFX (Por LemonFX)

Ganho : +102.47%
Drawdown 29.25%
Pips: 9719.8
Trades 368
Ganhou :
Perdeu :
Digitar : Real
Alavancagem: 1:100
Trading : Desconhecido

Discussão LemonFX

Mar 27, 2020 at 20:50
750 Visualizações
4 Replies
Membro Desde Nov 08, 2011   87 postagens
Apr 01, 2020 at 22:32
Looking good, is it an EA or manual? If its an EA, can you let me know which?

test the waters, before you dive in
Membro Desde Feb 05, 2020   4 postagens
Apr 02, 2020 at 07:17
It is manual. Using Hyiper strategy developed by Polish trader named Darek.

Didn't know the account needs to be 3 months at least. I posted too early, sorry for that.
Membro Desde Apr 22, 2020   2 postagens
May 02, 2020 at 18:01
Im pretty new to myfxbook, I was looking at your trading history. Can you explain the USD/MXN BUY trade on the 13/3/20. Why is the line graph image in the trade history not showing on some of the trades?

Never give up
Membro Desde Feb 05, 2020   4 postagens
May 02, 2020 at 23:10
I really don't know either, Asif. I started using Myfxbook two months ago.
Also I cannot explain the drawdown of 96% on 28/04/2020. Although there was some loss, I am pretty sure I haven't suffer such a huge drawdown.
Membro Desde Feb 05, 2020   4 postagens
May 02, 2020 at 23:15
I have just checked. There was no drawdown that day, there was a profit. That day I had a gain of 2.80 GBP (about 1% of the account of the time). Very strange.
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