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my experience is horrible with them, i tried to attach few acc as a signal provider, at first it failed for some reason then in next tries showin that my acc is already there but nothing changed in my profile, after that when i mailed them they informed that they have clone site (something like- piptrade or else) and my acc is attached there as a copy trader. but i dont have any acc on that site and i never follows any others trading. i thing they have bug in their system or they misuse of the credentials we put on the site.
Nice copytrding provider !
Мои сигналы вышли из просадки, и в позапрошлом месяце собрал необходимый минимум для вывода, в прошлом месяце заказал выплату, через день пришли средства.
Сразу не стал здесь писать, решил подождать еще месяц. Вот вчера заказал еще выплату за прошлый месяц. Сегодня деньги пришли на карту.
На счет ответов поддержки, не в курсе, не обращался последнее время.
После вашей реплики у меня, конечно, сомнения кое-какие возникли, но проврить я не мог. Теперь проверил, и пишу то, что есть по-факту.
Я на данный момент не получаю комиссий. потому опровергнуть сложно. Несколько выплат за прошлый год я получал исправно. Ни разу никаких проблем не возникло. Однако все возможно. У меня например конфликт с ЗулуТрейд по тому же поводу. Они не платят. Сфера сложная, потому рано или поздно с любым сервисом могут возникнуть проблемы.
[quote]vitaliymaznev777 posted:
I accidentally hit the "rate" button before setting the values. Initially, the fields contained numbers 1. Therefore, I would like to cancel this incorrect assessment and re-vote.
As for the impressions, I have been with this service for several months now as a signal provider. And I can say that despite the formally low commissions compared to some competing services, the prospects for traders here are very decent. Especially for new traders who really have some kind of experience and ability. Subscribers will notice you almost immediately. The rest depends on your trading. I reached the minimum threshold for payments in almost the first two months. And on the third I already received the first payment. On other similar platforms, you can wait for the first subscribers for years, but you may not even get paid.
НЕ платят и на письма не отвечают !
Mydigitrade техническая поддержка ужасна, они не платят комиссионные трейдерам...Не серьезная компания...
I accidentally hit the "rate" button before setting the values. Initially, the fields contained numbers 1. Therefore, I would like to cancel this incorrect assessment and re-vote.
As for the impressions, I have been with this service for several months now as a signal provider. And I can say that despite the formally low commissions compared to some competing services, the prospects for traders here are very decent. Especially for new traders who really have some kind of experience and ability. Subscribers will notice you almost immediately. The rest depends on your trading. I reached the minimum threshold for payments in almost the first two months. And on the third I already received the first payment. On other similar platforms, you can wait for the first subscribers for years, but you may not even get paid.
As for the honesty and attentiveness of the administration to users, I personally would give the highest mark here. They never ignored the issues and all difficulties were resolved in the shortest possible time.
Despite the fact that there are indeed frequent technical problems on the service website, this did not affect my work as a provider or, most importantly, the calculation and payment of commissions. I see it as honest conscientious work of the administration, respect for the work of traders, and prioritizing the well-being and satisfaction of users. Probably for this reason, the service cannot allocate more funds for the technical resources of the site. And as for me, this is another big plus for the service. Others usually, on the contrary, monitor presentability, but forget about the minimal respect for the participants and their work.
Despite the fact that it is not profitable for me as a signal provider to attract competitors, I recommend this service to everyone. Because they really deserve it. And I am sincerely delighted with the opportunities they provided me. Experience has taught me not to rely too much on appearance, but to appreciate the essence.
This website is a joke. The first and second one in the ranking has a >70%DD and negative pips. You must scroll down fo a very long time to found a good provider. Stay away...
Some good traders to follow but not really that much chose. I would recommend that you take a look at them but if you have any questions, don't expct them to reply any time soon
STAY AWAY, Mydigitrade has not a single interest, technical support is horrorful, everything is extremely slow, they do not pay commissions to traders...Not a serious Company that will certainly disappear in the next few months...
Manuy many techical problems, disconnection with broker account, etc
one of the best of the best sites i ever seen in first day i was up by 913 pips can you believe that you have to mange your porfilio
correctly than you see massive of greens come to your account
And 3 weeks further on, I decided to stop using them and draw my conclusions:
- Even with connection route problems there should be a solution to be able to connect from everywhere in the world but they don't bother.
- Their site is too slow and as I said before their functionalities are not far-reaching enough (e.g. export of data is limited to your history).
- Despite their rating and evaluation of traders, most of them use techniques like trading against the market without stops, not closing positions, if not disguised martingaling (although pure martingale are spotted and removed, disguised martingaling is additioning positions without a multiplyer e.g. 4 positions with 1 lots i.o. one position with 4 lots)
- When I wanted to disconnect a trader I could't get access, and I also couldn't disconnect my account; but it is not possible to contact them in urgency to ask them to do that manually so you are left alone with the trader continuing to pilot your account into disaster. When they finally responded it was to tell me how to access the menu to disconnect my account so they didn't even read my message that I coudn't connect in the first place.
Conclusion, it is better to trade yourself, at least you keep control of what you do.
Correction to the above: it seems that the cause is related to the connection route to their website, not to them. But I had similar problems with Mirrortrade, it seems they are using streaming techniques that cannot cope with a slower connection.
Currently their site is down, or so slow that you can't use it.
In general it is always too slow and functionalities are far from what Zulu is offering.
Selection of traders though is marginally better than Zulu but martingale in disguise are also present.
But nearly no trader there is trading following the book, and that' s true with all similar sites and due to the system,
So expect big draw downs like with all others.
зэ бэст!!!
MyDigiTrade providing quality service and fast support. Recommended.
I like the fact that an account can be easily linked and maintained in MyDigiTrade. The analysis for each trading system is also very detailed. An interesting comparison can be made with ZuluTrade. It seems that few are aware of this service. I wonder when MyDigiTrade can get more support.
Nice Service Best in auto trading.
Have a look here !