The Forex Informant (Real Live Client Account) - Secret SIGNALS and 1 EA - CONSERVATIVE RISK (de forex_trader_260902)

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Discusión The Forex Informant (Real Live Client Account) - Secret SIGNALS and 1 EA - CONSERVATIVE RISK

Jul 06, 2015 at 02:17
Vistas 2,950
81 Replies
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 10, 2015 at 05:41
Hello traders,

I am The Forex Informant. For the past 5 years I have been working at a top and highly reputable Investment Bank.

For obvious reasons I will not say which bank I work for. But I can say that this bank is part of the dreaded Banking Cartel that is currently manipulating and ruling our world.

If I get caught I will obviously get fired. And I do not want to be fired. I would very much like to keep my job and salary.

I have been working my way in this bank for years. I went from being a junior analyst and transferred to an assistant position on the bank's trading floor. Then recently a few months ago, at my request, I was transferred again from the Equities trading floor to the Forex floor.

I assist the senior Forex traders.

I am in the “Vortex of Information”.

I am in constant direct contact with the senior Forex traders. I see and hear every single trading position that the bank has in the Forex market at any given time.

So...why am I telling you this? Because I want to help you - the independent Forex traders of the world. I am your eyes and ears to one of, if not, the most powerful forex trading floors in the world. I have access to almost all of the bank's major and most volatile forex trading positions. I definitely have access to all the positions in the major currency pairs - such as the Euro Dollar and the Cable.

The senior traders that I work under - they are the real deal. They are the market movers. They literally “move the market”. I may not know “how” they move the market but I do know what positions they are in and when they get in and out of them.

You will benefit from this Forex insider information. Keep in mind that unlike the equities market, insider trading information in the Forex market is totally legal and legit. This is allowed. So why am I willing to take the time out of my life to help you? Why am I willing to help a “small stay-at-home forex trader”, you ask?

I will give you 2 honest reasons:

1) I believe the banking cartel and the top 1% of the world have had enough. They have engineered and caused the destruction of the world's economy and made the lives of the 99% struggle. Yes, I have a relatively “cushy” job that I want to keep. And yes I do make quite a good salary. And yes, I do use the insider information that I obtain from work. I have been trading my own Forex account and have made money from the secret information.

I have helped my family members and close friends make money too. But, believe me – I am still part of the 99%. I am not a millionaire. I still have to work and grind out the 50-55 hours a week that is expected of me. Believe me when I say this: that there is definitely MORE THAN ENOUGH money to go around in this world. But, as you know, that is not how the monetary and capitalist system works. Hard work, does not always, and sadly, doesn't usually pay off. The 1% will always be on top. You need an EDGE to win in this game.

You need that edge to win in the Forex market. I know that, I can't change the world. But what I can do, is that I will try my best to help people who wants to succeed and better their lives. I can help those who wants to succeed and improve financially. This is the first reason why I am doing this.

2) I can make extra side money from this as well. Yes, I admit it - there is never enough money. The insider information I get from a daily and weekly basis has “worth”. Why not capitalize this at the same time? Everyone wins. The traders at my bank and the top 1% will still make money from their trades, meanwhile you will benefit from the insider information I will give to you, and I will make money from this as well, in the form of subscription fees.

In short: I want to offer you the BEST insider information a Forex trader could get. Whenever the senior traders get into and out of a forex position, or when I find out their future, planned Forex trading positions, I will relay that information to you immediately. This is REAL TIME information from a REAL Forex Trading floor in a REAL top tiered bank. Quite frankly, many will kill for this type of information. Luckily, I don't have to do that. And neither will you.

Please check out one of my real live trading account posted here on to prove to you that the insider information I have access to does really produce consistent money from the Forex market. Even though it is a small test account the ROI % is all relative and you can see its progress. I will post more real live trading account performances in the near future. The link will be below this video.

Keep in mind that there will be loosing trades. This is inevitable. Even professional senior traders on my floor makes mistakes from time to time but overall the return of investment is insane. Thank you for reading this, and I can't wait to help you in the Forex market.

But before I go, I want to quote one of the best lines from the movie Wall Street said by Gordon Gekko himself.

And I quote: “The most valuable commodity that I know of, is INFORMATION”.

Good Luck Traders.

Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 10, 2015 at 05:41

Hello Traders.

Please check out my introduction video on Youtube.

I explain who I am, what I can do, and how you can benefit from my Forex Insider Information.

Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 10, 2015 at 05:55
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 10, 2015 at 06:34
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 10, 2015 at 06:53
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 10, 2015 at 06:54

Miembro desde Dec 03, 2013   posts 631
Jul 11, 2015 at 07:08
Real (USD), Oanda, Manual, 1:50 , Oanda fxTrade/fxTrade Practice

Practice account?
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 11, 2015 at 15:42
Hello Red Rhino.

This is a REAL account. link here:

i will be posting more Real accounts in the next few weeks.

If you seriously interested. just email me: [email protected]
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 11, 2015 at 20:13
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 11, 2015 at 20:13
Miembro desde May 20, 2011   posts 724
Jul 11, 2015 at 21:12 (editado Jul 11, 2015 at 21:12)
ok so please help us! We all desperately need it you going to charge us some fee for your inside info ?
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 11, 2015 at 23:08
Yes there will be a fee. It is negotiable. I will explain more information in private. so...just email me: [email protected]

I'll answer all your questions. And yes I really do want to help you if you are having problems with Forex. We can make back your capital fairly quickly. Email me. [email protected]
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 12, 2015 at 06:00
Get to know more about me!

I will post another video soon. I've been a little busy this weekend. Sorry!
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 12, 2015 at 17:25
Insider Trading Information from a Real #Forex floor in Bank.
Learn More:
Email me: [email protected]
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 13, 2015 at 00:55

@ForexLive @BabyPips @FOREXcom @ForexTweets @FXStreetUpdate @julimasterfx1 @MorganStanley
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 13, 2015 at 05:50
Miembro desde Jul 13, 2015   posts 1
Jul 13, 2015 at 06:33
good mother with my 2 child and have a wonder life and health together with them to happy
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 13, 2015 at 06:39
Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 13, 2015 at 22:09
My 2nd Video:

This video will teach you how to get my secret insider Forex signals.

Miembro desde Jul 06, 2015   posts 160
Jul 13, 2015 at 23:20

learn how you can get secret insider trades from a REAL Forex trading floor in a REAL bank.
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