callumM trader's profile


नाम callumM

I am 20 years of age and in the process of building a Forex based company. I was born and raised in South Africa for 13 years and finally starting my forex career in Scotland UK. I have a passion in this industry and I will give it my all to I see my whole team succeeding.

ट्रेड की तरीका:
knowledge on most methods out there.

You will never go broke taking profit.

अनुभव 3-5 सालो


वाउचर 0

पंजीकृत Mar 05, 2016 at 11:08

उपभोगताओं को ब्लॉक कर दिया है 0


Systems by callumM

यह उपभोगता फिलहाल कोई भी सिस्टम नहीं शेयर करता है.