As Account Manager, Do you Allow Account Holder To Place Trades?

Sep 20, 2010 at 12:48
1,000 Görüntüleme
6 Replies
Sep 09, 2010 zamanından beri üye   35 iletiler
Sep 20, 2010 at 12:48
Am being frustrate by this, which is from the first account which is 84k, but got no problem with the one that is 94k cos am fully incharge, but the latter is like just 50 50 trading and the holder place unneccesary trades , i hatetrading in account with the holder, he can watch but not trade when am not, so am seeking advice from y'all is it is ok like that, it is bcos the account is 84k and profit sharing is 50 50 that is why am still finding it difficault to make decisions, if it was to be account of 10k, i would have quit.

So i want to know if it is good ideal to continue with him?
Patient The Best Stractegy
Aug 01, 2009 zamanından beri üye   895 iletiler
Sep 20, 2010 at 12:52 (Sep 20, 2010 at 13:04 düzenlendi)
No. Because he'll hold you responsible if he cocks up. You're the MM right? So is it an expectation that you correct his mistakes? Deal breaker. Walk away. Could well be financially better for you long term.
Sep 09, 2010 zamanından beri üye   35 iletiler
Sep 20, 2010 at 13:15

Moneymanagement posted:
Am being frustrate by this, which is from the first account which is 84k, but got no problem with the one that is 94k cos am fully incharge, but the latter is like just 50 50 trading and the holder place unneccesary trades , i hatetrading in account with the holder, he can watch but not trade when am not, so am seeking advice from y'all is it is ok like that, it is bcos the account is 84k and profit sharing is 50 50 that is why am still finding it difficault to make decisions, if it was to be account of 10k, i would have quit.

So i want to know if it is good ideal to continue with him?

Am the Manager, and what is does do provoke me, imagain i made like 26k profits in the 84k account, he ended up lossing much of the profits, am so sad bout that, very bad
Patient The Best Stractegy
Aug 01, 2009 zamanından beri üye   895 iletiler
Sep 20, 2010 at 13:25 (Sep 20, 2010 at 13:25 düzenlendi)
Just give him a written warning.

Tell him if he does persist you are unable to do your work as he is adjusting the risk profile of the portfolio and thus preventing you from doing all your trades (as he is tying up margin that would otherwise be available to you), there by diminishing the return to the portfolio while increasing the risk profile, so he either desists or you can no long in good conscience trade the account because you do not know what risk alterations he will make while you're not looking.

If he doesn't understand that. Stop trading and let him learn the hard way.
Aug 01, 2009 zamanından beri üye   895 iletiler
Sep 20, 2010 at 13:33 (Sep 20, 2010 at 13:55 düzenlendi)
Rather then focus on the account that will give you the better return, which is the other one.

Don't think this situation can arise if you used something like FX Manager. For future use might be better to use MM software.
Sep 09, 2010 zamanından beri üye   35 iletiler
Sep 20, 2010 at 13:56

Elkart posted:
Just give him a written warning.

Tell him if he does persist you are unable to do your work as he is adjusting the risk profile of the portfolio and thus preventing you from doing all your trades (as he is tying up margin that would otherwise be available to you), there by diminishing the return to the portfolio while increasing the risk profile, so he either desists or you can no long in good conscience trade the account because you do not know what risk alterations he will make while you're not looking.

If he doesn't understand that. Stop trading and let him learn the hard way.

thank you very much for you advice, i will just do that
Patient The Best Stractegy
Apr 06, 2011 zamanından beri üye   8 iletiler
Apr 06, 2011 at 12:21

Moneymanagement posted:
Am being frustrate by this, which is from the first account which is 84k, but got no problem with the one that is 94k cos am fully incharge, but the latter is like just 50 50 trading and the holder place unneccesary trades , i hatetrading in account with the holder, he can watch but not trade when am not, so am seeking advice from y'all is it is ok like that, it is bcos the account is 84k and profit sharing is 50 50 that is why am still finding it difficault to make decisions, if it was to be account of 10k, i would have quit.

So i want to know if it is good ideal to continue with him?

If you make more money on that 84k even if he place trades by himself, than if you traded 10k ONLY by yourself, then continue with it. But you can show him (client) a real monthly profit chart, and also a chart where you'll remove HIS trades. If recovery and sharpe ratio are better if only YOU placed trades that that should be enough information for him to stop placing trades by himself.
"There is only one side to the stock market and it is not the bull side or the bear side but the right side!" J.L.
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