By gambling one can get

Dec 30, 2020 at 12:45
1,428 Görüntüleme
22 Replies
Dec 21, 2023 zamanından beri üye   12 iletiler
Dec 22, 2023 at 16:28
Fidely posted:
I don't really understand the people who gamble on forex market. I mean that gamblers usually derive pleasure from the process itself but not from the result. I wonder, how it is possible to derive pleasure from sitting before the computer screen for several hours following the charts. Gamblers will definetely lose the money sooner or later. THey don't have neither practical knowledge, nor psychological control over the situation on the market.
Trading in the forex market isn't just about luck or gambling—it's a skill that requires analysis, strategy, and discipline. While it might seem like staring at charts, successful traders derive satisfaction from mastering this intricate puzzle and making informed decisions. Education, practice, and a thoughtful approach set them apart from gamblers. It's all about learning and adapting in a dynamic environment!
Dec 28, 2023 zamanından beri üye   27 iletiler
Dec 28, 2023 at 19:24
I think that for those who come to trade in Forex as in a casino, this is gambling. And for those who invest energy in studying the market and everything else, this is work.
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