Oxygen Capital Securities is an Investment Services Company, licensed by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (License No. 24/479/17.7.2008). Founded in 2001, the company is supported by one of the largest global maritime group of companies. Headquartered in Athens, Oxygen Capital Securities provides services including reception and transmission of orders in all financial instruments, advisory services and discretionary portfolio management services for Greek and foreign, private and institutional investors.
Staffed by experienced executives of the market, the company has been consolidating a fine relationship with its clientele, responding to demands of our times. The Company aims to constantly grow, in a particularly demanding and rapidly changing financial environment, as is that of capital markets.
In Oxygen Capital Securities we fully understand that the current economic environment requires high quality in the provision of investment services, while offering competitive prices. For this reason, the Company has selected a business model which allows it through partnerships across the spectrum of financial and investment instruments and using a highly flexible structure, to provide high quality services while keeping costs for the customer, at a very low level.
The options offered by Oxygen Capital Securities, in all modern financial instruments of the Global Economy, provide our clientelle with the choice to:
 •Either to choose whether to perform investment choices by the client itself (through an electronic platform)
 •Either to use some of the Investment Services of the Company
 •Or to use a combination of the above (e.g. use platform while being provided with the service of investment advice)
The Investment Services of Oxygen Capital Securities are summarized as following:
 •Reception and Transmission of orders
 •Investment Advice
 •Discretionary Portfolio Management


Oxycap tarafından sağlanan sistemler

Ad Kazanma Düşüş Pipler Trading Kaldıraç Tür
Oxygen Capital USD -3.15% 16.28% 918.7 El ile - Gerçek
Oxygen Capital EURO 17.88% 31.10% -24406.9 El ile - Gerçek
Oxygen Capital EURO2 -1.69% 2.93% -1932.6 El ile - Gerçek

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