Algofxtrading is Intelligent trading platform and service to help generate profit effectively. We provide our clients with excellent financial instruments that automatically trade for those who want to make a profit from the Forex market.
Trading tarzı
The investor's trading account gets linked to the Algofxtrading's master account, so that he receives all its trading activity and the same percentage of returns.
Once you have purchased your subscription and connect your broker account MT4 to our master account you will automatically copy our transactions. The lot size will be adjusted based on your balance.
Our system software makes it possible to automatically open, modify and close all trades in your MT4 account


algfxtrading tarafından sağlanan sistemler

Ad Kazanma Düşüş Pipler Trading Kaldıraç Tür
Algofxtrading 31.74% 14.27% -5617.3 Otomatik 1:500 Demo

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