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Curious on your 'name' for Zulu. I probably lost money with you! Just kidding. I actually did decent but the server disconnects ended up costing me 30% on my account. No joke. It was 'a joke' and they tell you that they will refund you. THEY WON'T! They just lie lie lie...all the way to the bank! I did signals on there also, but just playing around and if anyone did sign up I would have stopped using it, but it was fun to see how accurate their servers are on my signals sent.
It is exactly what I think about this platform ... !! Nice review !
You could not have said this any clearer or More Precise. The first time I was on their site, I figured out that ZULU is not a reliable source for Profitable Signals. I am sure you can Get a lot of SIGNALS. But reliable and profitable signals were Way to hard to filter out. I personally wouldn't trust this site.
""One of the things that is scary about them is that anybody can sign up and provide signals, nobody tests their systems first""
I believe that all the current Signal Providers are ALL MANUAL TRADERS, NO EA's... However, sadly, this will all change do to the fact that Zipsignals is Now being Promoted HERE.
Problem is that even after you (subscriber) set up risk properly most of the providers on there are down right useless.
E.G.: (unnamed 'swing trader' A)
Provider uses worst case of 500pip stops while your watching him, and seems to work okay. So you add him and set 500pip stop =1% of balance. Next thing you know the trades go against him and he moves it back to 6000pip+. Suddenly your heading for a 12% loss X multiple trades = Margin call / massive loss depending when you cut them off.
(unnamed 'Swing trader' B)
States how instead of using 1 or 2 positions he wants followers to use 20 much smaller positions so he can average in. Funny thing is when you watch him he opens all 20 positions at the same time/level (what happened to averaging?). Again just like 'A' he also uses 500pip stops and moves them back when they look like getting hit. Even if you set this guy up to be using .5% per trade (20X.5%=10% max risk across all trades) when he moves his stops 2000pips back to preserve his stats you end up with 40%+ risk. Crap ! Whats even funnier about this guy is everytime he clogs up an account he opens a new one, so he can always trade one while his subscribers on the others are stuck with floating losses.
And then scalpers have the problem of slippage or worse yet trades not closing or trader scalping using a 500+ stop :S. after slippage and commisions (assuming they never hit the stops / no trade closing errors) its still not worth having a scalper.
I agree that ignorance is one of the general reasons people fail on ZuluTrade. Greed is the other.
However it's easy enough to direct people to a web page without actually directing them to a web address. My description was passed and I used to tell people to search for my blog for more information. My blog has detailed set up details that allow users to set the risk exactly as they want it.
I think the biggest reason zulutrade gets a bad rap is that it is way to easy for the inexperienced to lose all of thier money quickly. I play both sides of the coin with zulutrader, as a provider and as an investor. It is frustating as a provider to see investers receiving your signals lose money on trades simply because they don't allow enough positions to be taken, or they set the lot sizes so big that they margin out. One of the biggest reason is the lack of information about how the systems trade. They used to allow the system providers to describe their systems, but I beleive the it was decided that was giving financial advice, which is a no-no.
I agree that there are some systems on zulu that are horendous with unrealistic stops and massive drawdowns. But there are some very good systems on there if you can weed through all of the crap. I personally only trade systems other than my own that are run with an EA, that have a reasonable drawdown, and after I dig through the tadeing history. Sure I make more money trading my own EA directly, but I have made 421 pips in the last 30 days on zulutrade.
Tested them out for 8 months and could never make money, providers have to churn out trades to make money, so they usually have tiny take profits and huge stops, and one day poof, the best provider wipes out his demo along with your live. He them moves on and does it again with a different name. Hunter was the most responsible one I found on there, but trades sparingly. It's a good setup if they could police it better and use some of the suggestions above.
How this 3 portal earn money if Free service ?
Daily20Pips (d20p)
Anyone can go in and become Signal Provider ? Or they have their own Professional team giving you signal.
Or that you must join their IB only can get signal ?
I've only seen 1 decent trader on that site.
Quite a few of the traders who look good at first use 500pip stops, when the trade goes against them and gets close to the stop they move it to 1500-2000pip +.
It would be a great site if they'd vet their providers or better yet do 3 things:
1.) make it madatory for their providers to trade real money of their own
2.) make stop loss entry mandatory at the time the trades placed (and remove the ability to move the stop back)
3.) stop providers from opening accounts under multiple names
If they put this forward as the premise for the business then that would be fair enough, however this is what they claim to be:
"What is ZuluTrade ?
ZuluTrade bridged the gap between valuable information in money markets and trade execution, by converting the advice of professional and talented traders globally to an executed trade rapidly and automatically in your account (from supported brokers)
There was a time when trading was a headache. Not anymore! You don't have to study or monitor the market to make a good pick, because hundreds of industry well-known experts from all over the world are doing it for you. All you have to do is pick the experts you like, and ZuluTrade will quickly convert their advice into live trades in your trading account directly with the broker. And the best of all, it's completely FREE!*
ZuluTrade receives rebates from the brokers, for the trades generated and splits them with the experts that provide the advice. Check the performance results recommended by our experts here"
Now if it was to say
"ZuluTrade is a site full of dodgy chancers, sprinkled with a handful of decent traders. If you are prepared to spend ages sorting out the wheat from the chaff and have a degree in statistical analysis there is a small chance our highly flaky platform might convert some of those trades into one or two pip winners for you."
That would be a fairer representation of the business model.
Is ZuluTrade a web base Forex system where I did not required VPS, EA, MT4 platform ?
Because I just join the demo ZuluTrade, they just give me a web base program to trade and add signal.
And their lot size is fix at minimum 1 pip = $10USD with 50k demo Account
So if play real, the minimum pip also 1 pip/10USD ? Also use the web base program?
i just think that anybody must check the signals by himself. Zulutrade is like any other Signalprovider nothing for absolute newcomer in forex that they don´t know how to trade.
To find the right signalprovider in Zulu its like to find the right EA or otherwise to learn trading itself :-)
I started out providing my signals on ZuluTrade. One of the things that is scary about them is that anybody can sign up and provide signals, nobody tests their systems first. So there are all sorts of terrible practices going on there. Providers just open up a massive demo account and then leave trades open until they turn into a profit. Applied to real accounts these trades end up wiping your account.
They are also not 100% reliable. I had a friend trading my signals who did not get some stop losses placed. One of my trades cost his account 16% of his balance when he was only risking 1% per trade.
Horrible, horrible, horrible. Stay well away from ZuluTrade
tried this thing with several signal providers. The Hunter was the best, but the results are weak... If you try the best rated there like LowDD, your account will get blown away. He keeps losing trades open forever just to keep his win ratio look good. And there are many (the most) providers like that. Maybe if you had 10.000 account and traded only 1 minilot each time, you could stand the DDs, but then the performance is not that good... I recommend to avoid this site, but that is just my experience (lost approx. 500 USD). Maybe someone is successful with them...
Try Tradency
If you want to lose money (at first), trade forex.
If you want to LOSE A LOT OF MONEY (Forever), join ZULUTRADE! hahah...
Terrible, terrible, terrible.
problems with orders sent, non closing orders...