Anyone Trading For A Living?

Miembro desde Nov 26, 2021   posts 1
Jan 24, 2022 at 15:32
I began trading in 2019 but had no knowledge of it, which led me to believe it was similar to gambling after losing money. Since the pandemic hit the world, I was able to begin learning to trade in January 2021, and over the next 5 months, I put in some effort to learn how to trade. Finally, from June 2021 to the present, I've been able to maintain consistency with my trading strategy. Well, I don't win big, but I believe that consistency in monthly profits is the key to greater success. I'm still far from dependable living with forex trading but this adds as additional vehicle income to build wealth.
Miembro desde Jan 18, 2022   posts 47
Jan 28, 2022 at 07:18
Yes, ofcourse! Forex trading can be chosen as a full-time career to make a living. A number of things that help traders maximise profits include creating a trading routine, having a sound knowledge of indicators, patterns, market analysis, follow risk-reward ratios, win rates, stop-loss and take profit orders, tracking progress through maintaining a trading journal etc. And most importantly, it is essential to have a disciplined and focused routine. All this definitely helps through the journey of forex trading and in maximising profits.
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020   posts 696
Feb 06, 2022 at 20:33
Most day traders participate in trading with the money in mind. It's wrong because no one with experience or knowledge can make money.
Miembro desde Jan 11, 2022   posts 45
Feb 07, 2022 at 09:38
Yes, I switched from being a full-time educator to a forex trader. The factors that led me to walk down this road were the convenience to trade 24/7, easy entry and exit as well as low cost of trading as well. Also, unlike other businesses, trading doesn’t require a lot of capital investment as well.
Miembro desde Mar 08, 2022   posts 3
Mar 08, 2022 at 09:42






Miembro desde Nov 23, 2021   posts 33
Mar 10, 2022 at 04:48
Not many traders would be making a living through forex trading. But there would surely be many of them who are making consistent profits.
Miembro desde Dec 05, 2020   posts 10
Mar 17, 2022 at 12:56
In my opinion, the most difficult task in trading is to dive fully in it. I mean, you have to refuse and leave primary workplace just because you are convinced that you will be able to earn money on forex, but it's not a fact. Of course, forex market was created for all people and everybody can earn money there but you have to acquire plenty of experience before you decide to turn this activity into a primary one.

These days everything is much more complicated than it was a decade ago. The market is becoming more harsh and daily as far as I am concerned plenty of traders are being thrown away from the market because of such harsh conditions. Here everything depends on your confidence your skills and experience and nothing more. If you understand that the money which you earn on forex cover all your monthly needs, then why not? Of course you can turn this activity into activity for a living.
Miembro desde Aug 05, 2021   posts 394
Mar 17, 2022 at 15:28
I started trading as a way to bring in extra income. My husband works as a welder with a guaranteed 40 hour workweek, so we would have income without the trading, but I'm able to help pay on some of our main bills with the money and it gives us some extra spending money. In the future, I hope to bring in even more money and to dedicate more time to it, but it's difficult now because I have 3 small children and can't always focus or put in the time needed.
Miembro desde Sep 22, 2019   posts 6
Mar 19, 2022 at 09:53
HeavLeighGill26 posted:
I started trading as a way to bring in extra income. My husband works as a welder with a guaranteed 40-hour work week, so we would have income without the trading, but I'm able to help pay on some of our main bills with the money and it gives us some extra spending money. In the future, I hope to bring in even more money and to dedicate more time to it, but it's difficult now because I have 3 small children and can't always focus or put in the time needed.

I can trade for you by profit sharing. If you agree, knock me here.
Miembro desde Nov 02, 2021   posts 73
Mar 24, 2022 at 07:06
I was trading forex to supplement my regular income, but things got changed when I lost my job in the mass layoffs that happened during the covid 19 breakdown. As I was familiar with forex trading before the pandemic, I chose to do it full time and try to make a living out of it. I was partially successful in it due to the unpredictable nature of the market and my insufficient experience that is required to make profits consistently. I’m glad that the pandemic is over now and I’m back to my old job and I’ve also become a much better trader.
Miembro desde Jan 01, 2015   posts 231
Mar 25, 2022 at 14:09
Expert4Trader posted:
HeavLeighGill26 posted:
I started trading as a way to bring in extra income. My husband works as a welder with a guaranteed 40-hour work week, so we would have income without the trading, but I'm able to help pay on some of our main bills with the money and it gives us some extra spending money. In the future, I hope to bring in even more money and to dedicate more time to it, but it's difficult now because I have 3 small children and can't always focus or put in the time needed.

I can trade for you by profit sharing. If you agree, knock me here.

Emran - the FxPro account on your profile shows what kind of a trader you are! blown away account in 2-3 days. And now you want to offer same expertise to others!
Succeed in Forex trading
Miembro desde Mar 17, 2022   posts 46
Mar 31, 2022 at 06:00
Yes,many make a good living by trading forex.Just decide how much money you are going to invest,how much time you are going to trade and what tools,platform you are going to rely on.Always invest money you can afford to lose.Over time you may start earning profits which are sufficient to make a living.
Miembro desde Mar 23, 2022   posts 25
Apr 04, 2022 at 06:12
I don’t think there would be a lot of people who are making enough with trading that they don’t have to do anything else. Trading is risky and I don’t think it can ever take the place of a regularly paying job.
Miembro desde Mar 22, 2016   posts 20
Apr 04, 2022 at 08:25
Yes. it is possible and realy easy at the moment. You only have to read books from Mr. K. Schwab from Germany.
Fully automated trading robot systems
Miembro desde Mar 11, 2022   posts 37
Apr 05, 2022 at 06:34
It’s not easy to do so. Traders, who have been making a living through forex trading, would have been here for over a decade. Most new traders keep struggling to make enough profits to cover the costs of trading.
Miembro desde Jan 01, 2015   posts 231
Apr 05, 2022 at 15:03
Nelson5362 posted:







Huihu - a well written piece of advise on full time trading. I had to use Google translator to comprehend it. The trading should not take full time but it is more successful if done on part time basis, based on certain ideas/indicator etc. Spend time to develop a strategy on Daily/ 4 Hour chart and then follow along. You do not need to spend your time watching the chart move in a random way, rather spend analyzing it (after all the chaos) and predict what will be the next move.
Succeed in Forex trading
Miembro desde Sep 26, 2020   posts 24
Apr 05, 2022 at 20:50
I'm trading for a living full-time, its not easy but I'm consistent in what I do, most of my focus has been trading for Prop-Firms where I'm raising capital.
Miembro desde Dec 13, 2021   posts 31
May 09, 2022 at 04:45
I prefer trading part-time because of the risks involved. You might be doing good enough for a year or so and then start making losses consistently just because the market can never be predicted accurately.
Miembro desde Nov 20, 2021   posts 2
May 09, 2022 at 09:53
- How did you make the move from part time trading to fulltime?

As soon as I was consistently making more money than my job, then I took the leap.

- What starting capital did you require to trade full time?

By the time I decided to go full time my capital had reached a little over $100,000

- Has your performance changed once you did the transition from part to full time?

My performance is constantly changing for the better, although not always as straightforward as you may think. Sometimes 1 step forward then 2 steps back. It helps to be aware of the impact of your decisions, how you arrived there and if anything can be improved. The markets are constantly changing so learn to move with them and understand why they are changing. There are numerous markets and ways to trade, learning what best suits your trading personality will help you for the future. I don't believe that there is one solution that fits all. You need to learn how you react in different situations and if you have done enough preparation to minimise risk.

- Are you happy with your decision?

Absolutely, my life is so different now. I have complete control over my financial future, it is only down to me if I fail or succeed and not dictated to by someone else that is motivated by reaching their own goals. A certain level of success starts to transcend all areas of your life, even positively affecting those around you. Life becomes rewarding in ways you may never have thought of.

- Do you trade only your own money? Either yes or no, why?

I have traded others money, it changed me negatively. Fear of failing became even greater. knowing my actions were depended upon gave me a new pressure that I had never experienced. I didn't react well to it. I stopped trading other peoples money and immediately knew it was the right decision. Others can do it successfully but I found it too difficult. It is not something I plan to consider for the future.

- Do you see yourself still trading fulltime in the long term?

I will be trading for the rest of my life. I have always had a desire to trade ever since I started investing in shares over 20 years ago. I found forex and commodities and was sucked in immediately.
Once you have your capital, guard it with your life!!! Master the risks, never gamble. Build a strategy that fits your trading personality, what works for one doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you, unless you are copying some automated trading system. Never give up, know that success comes from the sustained pursuit.
Miembro desde May 23, 2016   posts 30
May 15, 2022 at 18:59
Hallimax posted:
I will be trading for the rest of my life. I have always had a desire to trade ever since I started investing in shares over 20 years ago. I found forex and commodities and was sucked in immediately.
Once you have your capital, guard it with your life!!! Master the risks, never gamble. Build a strategy that fits your trading personality, what works for one doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you, unless you are copying some automated trading system. Never give up, know that success comes from the sustained pursuit.

Could not agree more (with your whole post that is)...
most people claim the risk .. while they do have a job, betting everything on a single paycheck that may (or may not) come next month.

losing a single trade is part of the business and nothing really serious, losing the paycheck can be life-ending in today's society, so Yes, trading is definitely the better choice.

there are some aspects in terms of morality, but hey we are just VERY small fish in a very very big pond ;)
Professional Canned-Tuna Eater
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