How to earn more? Real advice from experienced traders.

Mar 17, 2023 at 13:21
Vistas 5,813
153 Replies
Miembro desde Mar 31, 2021   posts 229
Sep 27, 2023 at 15:14
WhiteWitcher posted:
Oh Lord. What kind of brokers are these? It is unlikely that they are regulated by any regulation with such conditions.
Well I do not interest to be honest. But I came across similar advertisements.
Think thrice before opening an order
Miembro desde Sep 04, 2023   posts 3
Oct 02, 2023 at 14:59
Rococo_XVII posted:
WhiteWitcher posted:
Oh Lord. What kind of brokers are these? It is unlikely that they are regulated by any regulation with such conditions.
Well I do not interest to be honest. But I came across similar advertisements.
Si tu vas sur Vantage FX avec un pool de trading cela est possible et Vantage a des réglementations ...
Miembro desde Mar 31, 2021   posts 229
Oct 09, 2023 at 10:38
Okay man. But I am not looking for a broker. Thanks. I am looking for more profitable trading strategy. If you have any please share with us.
Think thrice before opening an order
Miembro desde Aug 19, 2021   posts 241
Oct 10, 2023 at 12:09
Oh it is just an advertisement. Just delete his message. Lol.
Miembro desde Apr 14, 2022   posts 38
Oct 19, 2023 at 04:54
In light of your original thread message, may I ask what stops you from trading confidently?
Miembro desde Nov 01, 2023   posts 5
Nov 04, 2023 at 13:36
I really want to earn more, I study about it all the information I can find.
Miembro desde Feb 12, 2016   posts 76
Nov 08, 2023 at 11:07
Rococo_XVII posted:
I have been trading for 3.5 years now. During this time, it happened that I blew up account and started over. It turned out to get profit, of course. But I still do not have a really good and stable income.
Because of that Forex became for me like an element of game or hobby. I don't feel that forex trading is hard work, but good profits. I do not feel stability in this way of earning.
Have you experienced something like this?

Just please do not mention about learning fundamental analysis or deeper technical analysis. This is what I do all the time.

I would like to hear real advice from real traders. Or to hear those who are in the same position as me.

That is why I create this thread. Welcome.
Trading is about either spotting market inefficiencies (arbitrage, pump and dumps, trading on news => stealing the bread of slow traders, spotting technical patterns that work on amateur markets like crypto) or predicting the future development of events which are related to asset's supply or demand. The second is hard in my view and most will fail at that because you simply can't account for unforeseen events. The first one requires lots of expertise, knowledge of industry, technical expertise like coding etc.
Miembro desde Aug 19, 2021   posts 241
Nov 28, 2023 at 15:36
Quius posted:
I really want to earn more, I study about it all the information I can find.
Oh unfortunately, information alone is not enough. Are you trying to practice?
Miembro desde Aug 06, 2022   posts 8
Nov 30, 2023 at 07:04
In my over 10 years of forex trading experience, I've encountered multiple setbacks, shifting from one trading system to another—from single entry to swing trading, martingale, and more. Eventually, I've come to agree with the widely available sentiment online: successful FX trading largely relies on effective money management.

While there are moments of significant wins and losses, the right money management approach allows for longevity in this field. There exists a variety of money management techniques; the key is to adopt one that suits your trading system.

Returning to the core point, building a solid capital base is essential for higher earnings. Once you've mastered appropriate money management strategies, considering entry into a prop trading firm can potentially amplify your profits.
Miembro desde Jun 03, 2022   posts 1
Nov 30, 2023 at 22:02
Great point! Thank you
Miembro desde Aug 19, 2021   posts 241
Dec 04, 2023 at 12:10
Oh That`s exactly the truth. Great @Mat_Swing
Miembro desde Mar 31, 2021   posts 229
Jan 15 at 16:13
Good job, guys. I hope everyone will get huge profit this year.
Think thrice before opening an order
Miembro desde Jan 07, 2024   posts 34
Jan 25 at 15:28
Before talking about big profits, it's a good idea to first consider the risks
Miembro desde Feb 12, 2016   posts 76
Feb 26 at 18:22
Rococo_XVII posted:
I have been trading for 3.5 years now. During this time, it happened that I blew up account and started over. It turned out to get profit, of course. But I still do not have a really good and stable income.
Because of that Forex became for me like an element of game or hobby. I don't feel that forex trading is hard work, but good profits. I do not feel stability in this way of earning.
Have you experienced something like this?

Just please do not mention about learning fundamental analysis or deeper technical analysis. This is what I do all the time.

I would like to hear real advice from real traders. Or to hear those who are in the same position as me.

That is why I create this thread. Welcome.
To earn more in forex trading, focus on mastering a few high-probability trading strategies rather than spreading yourself too thin. Additionally, prioritize risk management to protect your capital and avoid emotional decision-making. Continuously educate yourself, stay disciplined, and adapt to changing market conditions to increase your chances of long-term success.
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