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- Spot gold market analysis on August 22, 2024
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Spot gold market analysis on August 22, 2024
Aug 22, 2024 at 05:14
Miembro desde Aug 01, 2023
posts 54
Spot gold market analysis on August 22, 2024
Plan A
Light short position near 2518, stop loss 2524, target 2510, 2500, 2495
Plan B (alternative)
Staying firm at 2524, light long position, stop loss 2517, target 2531, 2542
[Disclaimer: The above content only represents personal opinions and does not constitute specific operational advice. Profits and losses are at your own risk. Investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market. 】
Plan A
Light short position near 2518, stop loss 2524, target 2510, 2500, 2495
Plan B (alternative)
Staying firm at 2524, light long position, stop loss 2517, target 2531, 2542
[Disclaimer: The above content only represents personal opinions and does not constitute specific operational advice. Profits and losses are at your own risk. Investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market. 】

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