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Confidence is very important
Dec 29, 2020 at 15:02
Miembro desde Jul 19, 2020
posts 749
Confidence is very important. Confidence comes from knowledge and skills. Without proper knowledge and skills if anyone thinks he has lot of confidence, he can make money, then that's overconfidence. We should not be overconfident. Most of the newbies are overconfident. They focus on profit rather than developing skills.
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020
posts 816
Miembro desde Apr 09, 2019
posts 516
Dec 29, 2020 at 17:26
Miembro desde Apr 09, 2019
posts 516
The over confidence comes from a position of ignorance and complaceny in my opinion. Learn as much as you can with practice you can be confident. Thinking you can go into the markets with a funded account without this at least is just arrogance.
If you can't spot the liquidity then you are the liquidity.
Miembro desde Oct 27, 2020
posts 16
Feb 08, 2021 at 11:22
Miembro desde Jan 21, 2021
posts 49
I agreed. Self confidence naturally helps you to become stronger and stronger over time. It comes from knowledge and experience, if you want to trade without fear or hesitation you have to build confidence first.
Some newbies jump into trading with a little idea of it or after winning a few trades and in the end, they lose their money.
This is overconfidence, people are in this market for a long time and are still learning. First, acquire good knowledge and real experience
and then start trading.
Some newbies jump into trading with a little idea of it or after winning a few trades and in the end, they lose their money.
This is overconfidence, people are in this market for a long time and are still learning. First, acquire good knowledge and real experience
and then start trading.
Feb 16, 2021 at 07:48
Miembro desde Jul 19, 2020
posts 310
One of the other major mistake is over leverage and over confidence. A newbie can blow up after having hundreds of winning trades and but one disaster trade. Also, lot of newbies have tendency to fight with forex market instead of trading the market like smart money do. They have no chance of wining the fight.
Miembro desde Jul 20, 2020
posts 286
Miembro desde Jul 20, 2020
posts 286
Miembro desde Jan 05, 2021
posts 10
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020
posts 696
Apr 23, 2021 at 17:09
Miembro desde Jul 19, 2020
posts 742
kendrglover posted:
Yes, confidence is the key to achieving your goals and making some money in forex.
When a trader makes a consistent profit, he becomes overconfident. Overconfident should be eliminated by controlling emotions at that moment. And trading plans should be made with confidence. It is possible to trade professionally.
Miembro desde Mar 17, 2021
posts 494
May 21, 2021 at 17:55
Miembro desde Mar 17, 2021
posts 494
Sarjohn posted:
Agreed, Confidence is very important in trading, And it comes with knowledge and practice only. Practice on demo and when you feel you are making consistent profit on demo then only shift to live trading.
Practicing on a demo account will help a trader to build his career with full of confidence.

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