FX Manager Listing Board

Miembro desde Mar 14, 2017   posts 13
Jun 16, 2017 at 06:28
PM if you are interested in a mam that does not risk more than 10%, and targets 25%+ annual returns.
This is not meant for high risk high gains.

1. Minimum Account : $5000
2. Broker digit : 5
3. Leverage : 1:100
4. Manager Fee : 30% HWM
5. Duration : No locked in period
6. Estimation ROI per month : 2-4%
7. Type of Management : ( PAMM or Direct Control Your Account )
MAM - Asic Regulated Broker with LPOA
8. Myfxbook sample account: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/xeconds/radiance-system/2073510
9. Description of your trading strategy :

Radiance is based on a multi-strategy system owned by Xeconds. It is able to trade in a Ranging, Trending and Adaptable Market Breakout.

The Original Draw-down for the entire 2016 was merely 2.86% recorded. But was extended to 6% on the master account during March 2017. The strategy seeks to capitalize on strong market movements than over consolidating and monotonous markets where daily fluctuation does not exceed 0.4%. The strategy performed the best during Market Breakouts and Trending Market.

The competitive edge lies in the multi-strategy systems so it is adaptable to multiple market scenario, it is 80% Technical Based and 20% Fundamental macro driven. Stop Loss may or may not be seen as the Master Account operates in stealth mode for its stop loss to prevent liquidity and false market movements during low liquidity hours such as market closing or weekends.
Miembro desde Apr 18, 2017   posts 659
Jun 19, 2017 at 10:28
ForexSeeker posted:
1. Minimum Acc : 500 USD
2. Broker digit : 5 Digit
3. Leverage : 1:500
4. Manager Fee : 30% of net profit
5. Duration : 1 month
6. Estimation ROI per month : 60% above
7. Type of Management : Direct Control Your Account
8. Myfxbook sample account: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexSeeker/i-kill-you-later-2/28333
9. Description of your trading strategy : Scalping combine with martingale lot size. SL : 30 pip (170 USD). Demo tested 8 month with average ROI per month around 100%

Amazing trading performance! By the way, may I get investor password of your trading account? I am really interested to work with you!
Miembro desde Jan 12, 2012   posts 5
Jun 21, 2017 at 05:50
1. Minimum Acc : AUD1000
2. Broker digit : 5
3. Leverage : 100
4. Manager Fee : USD20 per month
5. Duration : No lock-in period
6. Estimation ROI per month : Depends on market condition
7. Type of Management : Signal
8. Myfxbook sample account: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/Sephiroth/midas-touch/2082458
9. Description of trading strategy : Detail can be found at the general info tab of the above link.
Miembro desde Dec 10, 2015   posts 1
Jun 21, 2017 at 09:58
1. Initial Assignment : 1,000 USD
2. Broker : Fxprimus
3. Leverage : 1:100
4. Manager Fee : 40%
5. Minimum Performance Constraint: 3%
5. Trading Interval: Monthly
6. ESTIMATED ROI per month : Target of 1% Daily. No Guarantee
7. Type of Management : PAMM
8. Myfxbook account: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/melvinlimmy
9. Description of trading strategy : Fundamentally driven, Technically executed

10. Positions Description: The target is to achieve 1% daily. The goal is to preserve capital & risk returns.
• 1st & 2nd week of the month – maximum risk per trade will be 3%. End of 2nd week – account should have a gain of 10% (if 1% is achieved daily)
• 3rd week - risk per trade will be increased to 6% or more. If on the 3rd week the trades loses 6%, the entire account for the month will still have a gain of 4%.

Link to open account: https://www.fxprimus.com/open-an-account?r=1288343&regulator=vu
No Early Revocation Penalty, Withdraw your funds anytime

Making money never goes out of style!!

Miembro desde May 20, 2012   posts 9
Jun 21, 2017 at 13:00

1. Minimum Acc : 2500 USD or equivalent.
2. Broker digit : 3-4-5
3. Leverage : From 50 up to 500.
4. Manager Fee : 30% net monthly profits.
5. Duration : no limit
6. Estimation ROI per month : At least 10%
7. Type of Management : I am starting with direct access but opening pmam soon.
8. Myfxbook sample account: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/AndresFX/project-1505/2115836
9. Description of your trading strategy :
Supply and demand , price action with volume analysis.

You can check and track my performance. No BS here.
Miembro desde Mar 14, 2017   posts 13
Aug 06, 2017 at 06:50
1. Minimum Account: $5000
2. Broker digit : 5
3. Leverage : 1:100
4. Manager Fee : 30% HWM
5. Duration : No locked in period
6. Estimation ROI per month : 1-4%
7. Type of Management : ( PAMM or Direct Control Your Account )
MAM & PAMM Available - Strategy is broker friendly
8. Myfxbook sample account: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/xeconds/darwinex-xec/2123567
9. Description of your trading strategy: Multi Strategy - Range, Trend & Breakout with Fibonacci.
Miembro desde Dec 06, 2017   posts 7
Dec 08, 2017 at 11:22
i really dont get this whole thing...a listing of fxmanagers?

isnt this what myfxbook does?
Miembro desde Mar 04, 2018   posts 39
Mar 27, 2018 at 06:51
Cholipop posted:
adrian8891 posted:
Before You say something - THINK!

Gainsy - because it is how broker is called - require at least $5000 to deposit by manager to start PAMM.

if you both don't know rules of PAMM at RVD then just stay away.

Thats all from me for my best hater :)

Everyone please click the link below.

this bonus already ended in 2014 so i'm following here https://www.forexbonuspips.com/category/forex-deposit-bonus
Miembro desde Feb 22, 2011   posts 4573
Mar 27, 2018 at 13:49
Just out of curiosity
Click the links of so called 'mangers' posted here. Almost all of them were already deleted
Sorry, but this system was deleted by it's creator.

I am glad I haven't post my accounts here. Some of them are real trading since 2013 so it would be pitty to end up the same.
Miembro desde Sep 11, 2017   posts 117
Mar 28, 2018 at 06:20
I tried click links given but sadly this info appear
"Sorry, but this system was deleted by it's creator."

Just think positive, maybe they are billionaire now.
Miembro desde Feb 22, 2011   posts 4573
Mar 28, 2018 at 07:34
nasrul_poyo posted:
I tried click links given but sadly this info appear
"Sorry, but this system was deleted by it's creator."

Just think positive, maybe they are billionaire now.

I think positive, thats why I am glad I haven't posted my account here :)
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