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profits in forex trading
Miembro desde Oct 07, 2020
posts 90
Feb 16, 2021 at 12:20
Miembro desde Jul 19, 2020
posts 749
Trading forex is complex and requires a level of patience that is off the charts if you want to be extremely successful. When you first start trading, the amount of patience required is beyond most people's understanding. You can't gain that level of patience unless you have experience. You can have all the trading talent in the world, but w/o experience you are at a disadvantage to a more experienced trader.
Feb 17, 2021 at 07:34
Miembro desde Nov 03, 2020
posts 72
richardmarcus posted:
Do people usually generate profits in forex market. I have been trading in stocks and is able to generate some profits but i am highly skeptical about trading in forex market will i beable to gain something out of my trades or not.
Yes I have been making profit, but you cannot just say that without expecting any learning or knowledge. You will need to know more about not just forex marketing, but paying attention to charts and indicators that is implying either bullish or bearish.
Miembro desde Oct 07, 2020
posts 90
Mar 01, 2021 at 04:53
Miembro desde Oct 07, 2020
posts 90
blixtpiece posted:
People make profits in the forex market. There are no hard and fast rules that you need to follow.
ahan... but i have heard when people go live they are not able to generate as much profits as compared to demo accounts
Miembro desde Sep 12, 2017
posts 232
Mar 01, 2021 at 07:53
Miembro desde Sep 12, 2017
posts 232
richardmarcus posted:
Do people usually generate profits in forex market. I have been trading in stocks and is able to generate some profits but i am highly skeptical about trading in forex market will i beable to gain something out of my trades or not.
Yes people do generate profit..there is no shortcut or fixed time line for that. they can make $100 in 10 trades and on the other hand lose $100 in just 1 trade.so winning and lossing are part of the game..
Mar 02, 2021 at 05:00
Miembro desde Jul 19, 2020
posts 310
Most traders think that trading is all about strategy. They look for it everywhere. They think there is one strategy that will make them rich. They never try to understand that the success of a strategy mostly depends on the individual it's using. Strategy is just a single component of successful trading.
Mar 02, 2021 at 05:33
Miembro desde Jul 19, 2020
posts 749
The foreign exchange market promises so many possibilities to the trader. Many people may be interested in the forex but are only afraid to take the first step. This attitude should be turned around. Just have a good vision, take the necessary steps and make the forex venture a success.
Mar 02, 2021 at 07:58
Miembro desde Oct 16, 2020
posts 125
Yes, you can certainly make money in the forex market, given you are ready to put in the hard work . Forex market is way different from a stock market. You better gain knowledge of the forex market and trade on a demo account for a good amount of time. Then move on to a live account with a very small deposit and see if you can double them. You need to find a strategy that works for you.
Mar 22, 2021 at 10:58
Miembro desde Jun 13, 2018
posts 13
triticieek posted:
It can be difficult to generate profits in forex at first but with proper learning and education, anyone can make better returns.
That is true to some extent but do not underestimate the time it may take to learn and make profit. It can take many years
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020
posts 816
Miembro desde Mar 23, 2020
posts 20
Mar 22, 2021 at 14:57
Miembro desde Mar 23, 2020
posts 20
78678676 posted:
Yes, you can certainly make money in the forex market, given you are ready to put in the hard work . Forex market is way different from a stock market. You better gain knowledge of the forex market and trade on a demo account for a good amount of time. Then move on to a live account with a very small deposit and see if you can double them. You need to find a strategy that works for you.
I agree, I am doing "Challenges" with accounts with different deposits and brokers, you can look at them from my profile if you are interested 😁
Experience is the hardest teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward.
Mar 22, 2021 at 15:43
Miembro desde Jul 19, 2020
posts 742
Proper knowledge is required first when doing the forex market. If it is possible to develop proper knowledge and skills, it is possible to earn a lot of money by trading. I made a lot of losses when I joined the Forex market as a beginner trader but after a lot of research, I am now able to make some profit.
Miembro desde Nov 19, 2020
posts 2
Mar 28, 2021 at 09:25
Miembro desde Nov 19, 2020
posts 2
78678676 posted:
Yes, you can certainly make money in the forex market, given you are ready to put in the hard work . Forex market is way different from a stock market. You better gain knowledge of the forex market and trade on a demo account for a good amount of time. Then move on to a live account with a very small deposit and see if you can double them. You need to find a strategy that works for you.
i agree with you hard work for make money from forex market
but i have to get 100% for a month from my capital
Miembro desde Jan 08, 2021
posts 11

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