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There is a proverb that practice
Miembro desde Jan 05, 2022
posts 8
Jun 27, 2022 at 04:26
Miembro desde Mar 22, 2022
posts 24
The proverb is definitely apt for forex trading. In forex no amount of practice can take a trader to perfection as the market is highly volatile and changing. Still they can reach their full potential through continuous learning and practice. Forex trading is a risky venture and requires lots of hard work on the trader’s part.
Miembro desde Apr 18, 2019
posts 28
Aug 14, 2022 at 16:38
Miembro desde Apr 18, 2019
posts 28
indubitably. no practice - no success, it was tested by many traders who were theoretical geeks but when they were asked to open the platform and start trading, they did nothing just dumping their funds. it's so silly. i would even state that practicing prevails over the learning, as the learning gives traders only the understanding of how the market works, but the real success comes with the practicing and the more you practice, the more benefits you receive. SIMPLE.

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