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Very tough business.
Jul 14, 2022 at 04:45
Miembro desde Jun 03, 2022
posts 25
Yes, trading forex can be challenging and fraught with risk. However, there is also the possibility of making a significant amount of money from it. One bad decision can cost you a lot of money, whereas one good decision can make you a lot of money.
Jul 14, 2022 at 06:42
Miembro desde Jun 22, 2022
posts 22
The foreign exchange market is extremely volatile and risky. This is why most people believe forex trading is difficult. However, if you can learn and have a thorough understanding of the market and a good adaptability in the ever changing market, things will be much easier for you.
Miembro desde Jun 22, 2022
posts 21
Jul 18, 2022 at 08:07
Miembro desde Jun 22, 2022
posts 21
I think it is the tough and challenging nature of the market that keeps us interested. It is human nature to always chase after something that is challenging, because solving that challenge gives us an indescribable boost of serotonin.
For me, honestly I am so intrigued and deep into forex trading that I don’t think I will stop trading anytime soon in the coming years.
For me, honestly I am so intrigued and deep into forex trading that I don’t think I will stop trading anytime soon in the coming years.
Sep 13, 2022 at 12:11
Miembro desde Aug 17, 2022
posts 42
Trading is not an easy task. You need to study and understand the market daily, due to the fluctuation. For trading, you need experience and that comes with time and practice. So, the more often you practice the more you are able to understand the market well.
Miembro desde Jun 26, 2020
posts 323
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020
posts 816
Oct 28, 2022 at 11:37
Miembro desde Sep 14, 2022
posts 39
You can understand everything in Forex once you put your mind and skills into it with the right approach and psychology. Only the areas where we do not put our efforts seem difficult, rest everything is achievable with predefined goals and correct strategy. One should learn tools and techniques in forex in order to predict the market price movement and perform according to it for positioning trades.
Miembro desde Jun 26, 2020
posts 323
Miembro desde Feb 16, 2022
posts 113
Miembro desde Nov 21, 2022
posts 9
Nov 28, 2022 at 14:32
Miembro desde Nov 21, 2022
posts 9
Zemirah posted:
If you want to make it big and for a long time, you need to keep trying when you lose. You cannot give up easily. Forex trading is not for the faint hearted. You need to have a good grasp on analysing the market effectively. While it may be tough, it is also not impossible to make profit. If you follow a plan and maintain focus, you will win.
I wish that were true. I have a plan and maintain focus but my own trades always lose :(

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