Web-based trading

May 22, 2019 at 07:39
Vistas 1,542
22 Replies
Miembro desde Dec 11, 2020   posts 110
Apr 30, 2021 at 06:16
MT4 and MT5 have web based trading, although I do recommend in download platform for better trading experience
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020   posts 759
May 02, 2021 at 17:32
AliaDare posted:
I think for mt4 based trading. Web-based trades tend to be slow.
I also feel that. but web trading is good for adjusting SL or doing similar task
Miembro desde Apr 03, 2021   posts 470
May 02, 2021 at 23:11
robindude posted:
MT4 and MT5 have web-based trading, although I do recommend in download platform for better trading experience
Yes I think it better to use MT4 or MT5 for desktop and installed it on the computer
the problem using web-based maybe we need to refresh the page if leaving tab a while, this needs more time to lead the platform
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