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Money Management
May 07, 2020 at 11:38
Miembro desde Aug 11, 2017
posts 870
Money Management is one of the most important pillar here! Greedy Forex traders lose their full trading balance end of the day, since they don’t respect money management as well as risk management policies! On the other hand, professional Forex traders are able to recover their trading mistakes so smarty, because of using MM trading rules in their trading!
Miembro desde Aug 27, 2017
posts 875
May 15, 2020 at 07:32
Miembro desde Jan 26, 2010
posts 26
I traded 2-3 years full-time, and I have more than 10 years (part-time/hobby) trading experience.
I agree on money mgmt, but would like to point out also, that when running one-man trading business, it's very
difficult to perform daily year-in year-out. Usually since I have no boss in my trading, I abandon my trading plan
from time to time, since there is no outside pressure.
Somekind of peer-to-peer working with another trader would propably help. Both would review and supervise
each other's trading-plans and that they are enforced, as well as money mgmt. anyone has experience on this?
Trading is not my preferred source of income anymore, I have other business plans now.
I realized any business could benefit from peer-review. So I give you a challenge, work with me on
peer-reviewing my business and I'll work for you on your trading.
I posted here since I thought there are enough money hungry people here to be interested :)
ps. message me here privately if interested.
I agree on money mgmt, but would like to point out also, that when running one-man trading business, it's very
difficult to perform daily year-in year-out. Usually since I have no boss in my trading, I abandon my trading plan
from time to time, since there is no outside pressure.
Somekind of peer-to-peer working with another trader would propably help. Both would review and supervise
each other's trading-plans and that they are enforced, as well as money mgmt. anyone has experience on this?
Trading is not my preferred source of income anymore, I have other business plans now.
I realized any business could benefit from peer-review. So I give you a challenge, work with me on
peer-reviewing my business and I'll work for you on your trading.
I posted here since I thought there are enough money hungry people here to be interested :)
ps. message me here privately if interested.
May 20, 2020 at 06:46
Miembro desde Oct 19, 2019
posts 35
reggae posted:
Very true. People need to get into in understand the money management which will make your trading so much safer and deal with less risk of loss.
You are right. When we have a strategy for managing risk, trading becomes so much better.
May 20, 2020 at 11:59
Miembro desde May 11, 2020
posts 74
richard2 posted:reggae posted:
Very true. People need to get into in understand the money management which will make your trading so much safer and deal with less risk of loss.
You are right. When we have a strategy for managing risk, trading becomes so much better.
Miembro desde Dec 25, 2019
posts 19
May 21, 2020 at 17:15
Miembro desde Dec 25, 2019
posts 19
I agree with you! Money Management is really very important in trading. If you don't do it, you'll fail very quickly. You won't know where your money goes or why your profits are going down. You'll blame your broker, the rest of the traders, but not your own approach to money management.
Jun 04, 2020 at 09:04
Miembro desde May 27, 2020
posts 29
Thorgaswyn posted:
If you don't do it, you'll fail very quickly. You won't know where your money goes or why your profits are going down. You'll blame your broker, the rest of the traders, but not your own approach to money management.
I agree with you! Money Management is really very important in trading.
Jun 09, 2020 at 06:45
Miembro desde Jun 01, 2020
posts 52
Cruz45 posted:Thorgaswyn posted:
If you don't do it, you'll fail very quickly. You won't know where your money goes or why your profits are going down. You'll blame your broker, the rest of the traders, but not your own approach to money management.
I agree with you! Money Management is really very important in trading.
True. It reduces the chances of losses and we must devote significant efforts to reduce losses and aim at consistency.
Miembro desde Jun 05, 2020
posts 31
Miembro desde Jan 12, 2020
posts 17
Aug 26, 2020 at 18:36
Miembro desde Jan 12, 2020
posts 17
Correct capital management is the key to successful trading, not only for beginners but also for successful traders. Capital management is closely linked to risk management. Every trader must correctly calculate risks and make his transactions as comfortable as possible for psychology and earnings.
Miembro desde Jul 19, 2020
posts 283
Miembro desde Jul 20, 2020
posts 278
Dec 29, 2020 at 12:06
Miembro desde Jul 27, 2020
posts 16
It is the greed for meant that makes most people in forex trading to lose all their money Once you see all of your trades working you what you should not increase your trade frequency or risk you put in. Keep on trading as you always do and change over time but not instantly.

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