Should I have confidence in my trading system?

Oct 27, 2021 at 06:44
Vistas 590
8 Replies
Miembro desde Sep 29, 2021   posts 2
Oct 27, 2021 at 06:44
Does technology matter in the foreign exchange market? It must be important, otherwise you don't even have the qualifications to trade, but if you know the technology, will you be able to make money? Not necessarily, you have to run in your own system and achieve a certain level of trust.

There is no perfect trading system in the world, but there is a profitable trading system, because the market is multi-dimensional, this is one of the dimensions I look at the market, but it is the most suitable for most people to learn to use and profit from the market A system.

However, the twenty-eight rule of the market has always been in effect. Even if profitable technology is placed in front of the public, it is difficult to change this market law, because more than 90% of people are participating in the fun, and would rather believe in the dream of foreign exchange MLM. I don't want to spend time on my own to learn real technology.

The most important problem to be solved is to polish the details of the system and establish a sense of trust in the system, because only by trusting your own system can you finally get the fruits of victory from the market. Losing confidence and swaying left and right like this, the gods are also very embarrassed.
Miembro desde Mar 17, 2021   posts 536
Nov 06, 2021 at 18:12
croisssan posted:
This is an important aspect. I advise you to pay maximum attention to this.
Yes. This is the most important issue.
Miembro desde Jan 13, 2021   posts 52
Nov 08, 2021 at 16:23
Yeah need to keep emotions in tack
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020   posts 869
Nov 08, 2021 at 17:38
Test your system in the demo account and build your confidence in there.
Miembro desde Jun 17, 2021   posts 46
Nov 10, 2021 at 05:17
As you said, the market is multidimensional so working on just one dimension won’t bring you victory. However, having confidence in the system you are applying is extremely important. You become confident when you know that you’ve backtested the system successfully and there were no faults. It also helps to trade with the right mindset.
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020   posts 759
Nov 11, 2021 at 13:17
It is good to have confidence in your system. After all, it is a psychological game.
Miembro desde Oct 15, 2021   posts 8
Nov 11, 2021 at 20:06
Crosta posted:
Does technology matter in the foreign exchange market? It must be important, otherwise you don't even have the qualifications to trade, but if you know the technology, will you be able to make money? Not necessarily, you have to run in your own system and achieve a certain level of trust.

There is no perfect trading system in the world, but there is a profitable trading system, because the market is multi-dimensional, this is one of the dimensions I look at the market, but it is the most suitable for most people to learn to use and profit from the market A system.

However, the twenty-eight rule of the market has always been in effect. Even if profitable technology is placed in front of the public, it is difficult to change this market law, because more than 90% of people are participating in the fun, and would rather believe in the dream of foreign exchange MLM. I don't want to spend time on my own to learn real technology.

The most important problem to be solved is to polish the details of the system and establish a sense of trust in the system, because only by trusting your own system can you finally get the fruits of victory from the market. Losing confidence and swaying left and right like this, the gods are also very embarrassed.

Regulation is necessary to avoid forex scams where you could lose money when trading or people can dupe you along with the technology.
Miembro desde Aug 10, 2021   posts 178
Nov 12, 2021 at 01:48
The mindset of a trader plays a crucial role in determining a trader's success in forex. In order to develop skills as a Forex trader, you have to develop a trading idea that provides sustainable long-term profits. Many successful traders have a strong sense of self-confidence that cannot be shaken, even when they make some losing trades.
Miembro desde Mar 28, 2021   posts 617
Dec 27, 2021 at 05:12
In the Forex field traders can be confident but when the overconfidence grips them its sure that their time to successful trading is finished
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