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Tips To Being A Successful Trader
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020
posts 696
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020
posts 816
Sep 03, 2021 at 06:29
Miembro desde Dec 28, 2020
posts 167
Unellene posted:
the main thing is to gain experience from each mistake and understand what needs to be corrected in your work, then there will be progress
Exactly, practice on demo, learn from your mistakes and do not repeat that mistakes.
Miembro desde Mar 17, 2021
posts 494
Sep 03, 2021 at 08:42
Miembro desde Mar 17, 2021
posts 494
Sarjohn posted:Unellene posted:
the main thing is to gain experience from each mistake and understand what needs to be corrected in your work, then there will be progress
Exactly, practice on demo, learn from your mistakes and do not repeat that mistakes.
Practicing is very important. It helps a trader to improve the skills and ability.
Miembro desde Feb 20, 2021
posts 51
Sep 03, 2021 at 09:24
Miembro desde Feb 20, 2021
posts 51
It’s completely okay to make mistakes in the market because that’s what teaches you the most important trading lessons. Risk a small amount if you are not sure about the market or your strategy. And when you get an idea of what is happening, you can gradually increase the amount.
Sep 06, 2021 at 06:14
Miembro desde Dec 28, 2020
posts 167
SteveHanks posted:Sarjohn posted:Unellene posted:
the main thing is to gain experience from each mistake and understand what needs to be corrected in your work, then there will be progress
Exactly, practice on demo, learn from your mistakes and do not repeat that mistakes.
Practicing is very important. It helps a trader to improve the skills and ability.
Yes after having good knowledge and skills you can make good profit.
Sep 24, 2021 at 05:17
Miembro desde Sep 10, 2021
posts 17
Akasuki posted:
Along with good knowledge and skills we also need a sound mindset. It's the trading psychology that makes the difference between successful and failure.
Rightly said, i have seen people who possess good knowledge and everything but they are not able to control their emotions which make their trading worse.
Miembro desde Jun 21, 2021
posts 21
Miembro desde Mar 17, 2021
posts 494
Miembro desde Jun 07, 2021
posts 70
Nov 12, 2021 at 12:43
Miembro desde Oct 15, 2020
posts 10
There is a big amount of tips actually and it may take lots of time to describe all the tips. I can describe only several ones, which are the main in my opinion. The first tip of successful trading is never rushing. You know, sometimes traders go mad about huge amounts of money and it's strictly prohibited in trading activity as I think, because the brain always should be cold. You shouldn't let your emotions get you down and never let them take control over your mind. In my opinion, it's the most spread mistake. Of course, you can make some mistakes but try to avoid major ones.
Miembro desde Apr 09, 2019
posts 516
Dec 10, 2021 at 10:23
Miembro desde Apr 09, 2019
posts 516
On point 1 I will say that understand early that you can take ideas from others but you can't take out the box ready made plans. You have to do the work to find what is right for YOU.
If you can't spot the liquidity then you are the liquidity.
Miembro desde Nov 23, 2021
posts 34
Dec 21, 2021 at 05:38
Miembro desde Dec 14, 2021
posts 46
I think it is more important to be prudent about the risk that you are taking. You should not focus on winning the trade but instead focus on saving the trade by not allowing the risk to be more than the money you deposited to open a position.

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