fxpublisher.com-LIVE PAMM 4 years (de fxpublisher)

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Discusión fxpublisher.com-LIVE PAMM 4 years

Aug 23, 2011 at 07:09
Vistas 940
1 Replies
Miembro desde Jun 04, 2010   posts 182
Apr 18, 2012 at 06:27
Dear All,

We should inform you that we don't trade any more in this PAMM because of changing server.

You can follow our old pamm with 16 month live statement with below link:


Our system works for someone who are looking for stable long term profit but not unreal.

If you are looking for fast unreal profit please ignore this message.

Project Name: Fxpublisher.Smart Invest
Account Number: 236328
Monitoring link: https://instaforex.com/nl/pamm_monitoring.php?trader=236328

Trading System & Advantages:
*No automatic system
*Based on fundamental trends
*Constantly monitored.
Estimated profits:
*Estimated return on the project 2% to 20% per month.
Distribution of profits:

*No Minimum investment .
1-100$ inevstement ,Investor 60%, PAMM Trader 40%.
101-500 investment, Investor 65%, PAMM Trader 35%.
500-20k investment, Investor 70%, PAMM Trader 30%.
Above 20k investment, Investor 75%, PAMM Trader 25%.
*Investor 70%, PAMM Trader 30%.
*Minimum investment period: 30 days.
*Penalty for withdraw funds pre-term: 10%.
*Estimated drawdown 10% to 20%
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
Miembro desde Jun 04, 2010   posts 182
Mar 19, 2013 at 20:38
Dear All,

We have an special offer for the investors with more than 100k investment. 6 month free account management + 5k extra cash in your bank account after first month of investment.Check our LIVE statement (more than 2 years) here:


this offer is not available in our website.For more information please contact our LIVE support though skype.

Best Regards

Fxpublisher Support Team
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
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