Happy Gold - TMGM (M30) (de HappyForex)

Ganancia : +1967.55%
Disminución 21.52%
Pips: 21795.0
Transacciones 589
Tipo: Real
Apalancamiento: 1:500
Trading: Automatizado

Discusión Happy Gold - TMGM (M30)

Jan 12, 2022 at 23:23
Vistas 1,321
6 Replies
Miembro desde May 24, 2021   posts 3
Feb 09, 2022 at 06:43
don't use this robot, the results you get will not be the same as what is seen in this myfxbook. even if you use the same broker and vps
Miembro desde Mar 23, 2020   posts 21
Feb 13, 2022 at 16:13
dcba posted:
don't use this robot, the results you get will not be the same as what is seen in this myfxbook. even if you use the same broker and vps

Why? You tested it?
Experience is the hardest teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward.
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2017   posts 6
Jan 21, 2023 at 02:08
how much % risk per trade is this?
Miembro desde Dec 06, 2010   posts 268
Jan 21, 2023 at 07:59
kennisiu posted:
how much % risk per trade is this?


Please contact email support - www.happyforex.de/contact-us/


Happy Forex
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Miembro desde Jul 24, 2021   posts 3
Feb 13, 2023 at 14:37
Please what are the recommended VPS specifications to have this kind of result?
Discipline and Patience.
Miembro desde Dec 06, 2010   posts 268
Feb 13, 2023 at 15:50
WeyinmiMadamedon posted:
Please what are the recommended VPS specifications to have this kind of result?


Please contact email support - www.happyforex.de/contact-us/


Happy Forex
EAs, VIP Offers, Promotions, Bonus
Miembro desde Nov 08, 2015   posts 2
May 17, 2023 at 20:34
I very well agree that the results will not be same but can you please highlight if the results are a loss because that’s a big difference but if there is a difference of profits by maybe 10 to 20 to 30% even that is fine ??
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