XAUCHF Exchange Rate

Oro frente a franco suizo Exchange Rate (XAU to CHF)

Bid/Ask: 0.00/0.00
Intervalo cotidiano: 0.00 - 0.00
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CHF 22%
CHF 2.4%
CHF CHF715.132B
Día De La Ascensión

Interest Rates

Switzerland Swiss National Bank 1.5% 1.75% 46 días

Latest XAUCHF News

Swiss Central Bank Lifts Minimum Reserve Requirement

Swiss Central Bank Lifts Minimum Reserve Requirement

The Swiss National Bank raised the minimum reserve requirement for domestic banks, which is set to reduce its payout. The SNB lifted the minimum reserve ratio to 4 percent from 2.5 percent. The bank also made changes to how it calculates the minimum reserve requirements.
RTTNews | hace 12
Switzerland's Central Bank Unexpectedly Cuts Policy Rate

Switzerland's Central Bank Unexpectedly Cuts Policy Rate

The Swiss National Bank made a surprise interest rate cut on Thursday and became the first major central bank to ease the policy in the current cycle as the fight against inflation over the last two and a half years has been effective. The SNB unexpectedly lowered the policy rate by 25 basis points to 1.5 percent. Markets had expected the bank to keep the rate unchanged.
RTTNews | hace 44
Switzerland's Central Bank Retains Key Rate, Cuts Inflation Outlook

Switzerland's Central Bank Retains Key Rate, Cuts Inflation Outlook

The Swiss National Bank kept its benchmark rate unchanged on Thursday and turned more dovish as it lowered the inflation forecast and altered the policy stance on forex interventions. The SNB Governing Board, chaired by Thomas Jordan, decided to hold the policy rate at 1.75 percent. The SNB policy rate has been raised by a cumulative 2.5 percentage points since June 2022.
RTTNews | hace 142
Swiss Govt Sees "Well Below Average Growth" Next Year

Swiss Govt Sees "Well Below Average Growth" Next Year

The Swiss economy is set to register well below average growth in 2024 as the weaker momentum in the euro area hurts Swiss exports and higher financing cost curbs investment, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, or SECO, said Wednesday. In the economic forecast, the expert group of the SECO said gross domestic product will grow 1.3 percent this year.
RTTNews | hace 143

XAUCHF Exchange Rates Analysis

análisis XAUCHF - Datos históricos XAUCHF seleccionables por rango de fechas y periodo de tiempo.

Volatilidad XAUCHF - Análisis de la volatilidad de las divisas en tiempo real XAUCHF.

Correlación XAUCHF - Análisis de correlación de divisas en tiempo real XAUCHF.

Indicadores XAUCHF - XAUCHF indicadores en tiempo real.

Modelos XAUCHF - XAUCHF modelos de precios en tiempo real.