XAUGBP Exchange Rate


Oro frente a Libra esterlina Exchange Rate (XAU to GBP)

-0.79% -1510.0 pips
Bid/Ask: 1,899.50/1,914.60
Intervalo cotidiano: 1,893.40 - 1,920.80
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United Kingdom Bank of England 5.25% 5.25% 21 días

Latest XAUGBP News

UK Inflation Slows Less Than Forecast

UK Inflation Slows Less Than Forecast

UK consumer price inflation softened less than expected in March but hit the lowest in two-and-a-half years on food prices, adding uncertainty to the timing of the first interest rate cut from the Bank of England. Inflation weakened to 3.2 percent in March from 3.4 percent in February, the Office for National Statistics reported Wednesday.
RTTNews | hace 1
UK Unemployment Rate Rises; Wage Growth Slows

UK Unemployment Rate Rises; Wage Growth Slows

The increase in the UK unemployment rate and the marginal slowdown in wage growth in the three months to February suggest an easing of pressure in the labor market. The ILO jobless rate rose to 4.2 percent from 3.9 percent in three months to January, the Office for National Statistics reported Tuesday. The rate was seen at 4.0 percent.
RTTNews | hace 1
UK Economy Expands For Second Month

UK Economy Expands For Second Month

The UK economy expanded for the second straight month in February suggesting that it is set to move out of a technical recession, thanks to the rebound in manufacturing output. Real gross domestic product edged up 0.1 percent on a monthly basis in February, the Office for National Statistics said Friday. The growth for January was revised higher to 0.3 percent from 0.2 percent.
RTTNews | hace 6
UK House Prices Fall For First Time In 6 Months

UK House Prices Fall For First Time In 6 Months

UK house prices declined for the first time in six months in March, data published by the mortgage lender Halifax showed Friday. House prices dropped 1.0 percent on a monthly basis in March, in contrast to the 0.3 percent rise in February. This was the first decrease since September. Prices were expected to climb 0.3 percent.
RTTNews | hace 13

XAUGBP Exchange Rates Analysis

análisis XAUGBP - Datos históricos XAUGBP seleccionables por rango de fechas y periodo de tiempo.

Volatilidad XAUGBP - Análisis de la volatilidad de las divisas en tiempo real XAUGBP.

Correlación XAUGBP - Análisis de correlación de divisas en tiempo real XAUGBP.

Indicadores XAUGBP - XAUGBP indicadores en tiempo real.

Modelos XAUGBP - XAUGBP modelos de precios en tiempo real.