chrisGRAM trader's profile



Nombre chrisGRAM

Currently acting as Senior fund Manager and CEO of Golden Ratio Asset Management.

Estilo de trading:
Hedging, Fundamental and Macro Economic data is our main and first port of call when it comes to our trading style, we believe in using Technical analysis especially Fibonacci levels (re-tracement levels and fans) and finally, using strong support and resistance levels to release our hedged positions in order to generate and or recover equity. Although we do generally make our trading decisions on geo-political and fundamental analysis and data gathering.

You have to cut through the noise, feel the emotion of the market and remain patient but strike at the exact moment.

Experiencia Más de 5 años


Patrocinadores 0

Inscrito May 17, 2015 at 13:33

Usuarios bloqueados 0

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