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- lose professionally is the key to success
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lose professionally is the key to success
तबसे मेंबर है Aug 03, 2012
17 पोस्टों
Feb 02, 2017 at 07:57
(एडिट हो रहा है Feb 01, 2017 at 17:09)
तबसे मेंबर है Aug 03, 2012
17 पोस्टों
Try to start a new discussion/experiment about the importance of losing. Let's see where it goes and if it is worth keeping it up 😄
1st: "Trading is a 0-Sum Game." It is not true! Your broker is making $ in commissions regardless of you being on the winning/losing side of a trade.
Since with all the new technologies, fast internet connections and smartphones trading is easier (and more dangerous) than ever. I think that most of us lose because of overtrading.
The secret to win in this game is to not lose money. So first of all I recommend this experiment too all of you out there:
Every trade you don't make is "NOT LOSING MONEY". Next time you want to open a position and are not quite sure about it. Just leave it!!! 😲
Then pat yourself on the shoulders and feel good about not losing money. If not trading feels good you are starting to become more selective in your trading which will have a positive impact on your P&L.
1st: "Trading is a 0-Sum Game." It is not true! Your broker is making $ in commissions regardless of you being on the winning/losing side of a trade.
Since with all the new technologies, fast internet connections and smartphones trading is easier (and more dangerous) than ever. I think that most of us lose because of overtrading.
The secret to win in this game is to not lose money. So first of all I recommend this experiment too all of you out there:
Every trade you don't make is "NOT LOSING MONEY". Next time you want to open a position and are not quite sure about it. Just leave it!!! 😲
Then pat yourself on the shoulders and feel good about not losing money. If not trading feels good you are starting to become more selective in your trading which will have a positive impact on your P&L.
Lose professionally!
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 12, 2016
394 पोस्टों
Feb 02, 2017 at 12:13
(एडिट हो रहा है Feb 02, 2017 at 12:14)
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 12, 2016
394 पोस्टों
Very good topic. Losing is really one of the most important things in order to succeed. If you are not sure in a position – DEFFINATELY not place it on the market. Of course you can rarely be 100% SURE about a trade, but you should not place one “just to try” or “just to see how it will go”. Losing few trades does not make you a “loser”, but a more experienced trader. Learn from winning and losing. Respect both. 😄
Accept the loss as experience
तबसे मेंबर है Aug 03, 2012
17 पोस्टों
Feb 05, 2017 at 07:49
तबसे मेंबर है Aug 03, 2012
17 पोस्टों
Yes, losing is part of the game. If you master it, nothing can hold you back.
I see it like this: if you lose professionally; winning is the logic outcome. As if it takes care of itself and comes automatically 😉
I see it like this: if you lose professionally; winning is the logic outcome. As if it takes care of itself and comes automatically 😉
Lose professionally!
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 12, 2016
394 पोस्टों
Feb 09, 2017 at 14:25
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 12, 2016
394 पोस्टों
Correct. Totally agree with you.
Accept the loss as experience
तबसे मेंबर है Aug 03, 2012
17 पोस्टों
Feb 12, 2017 at 11:12
तबसे मेंबर है Aug 03, 2012
17 पोस्टों
After we were able to skip trades and avoid losing and feel good about it, we can take the next step. I would like to get into an emotional area...
I belive that alot of traders lose because they use the wrong belive system when in a trade, which case the emotions that are not supporting them to win. Let me explain this: The primary emotions in the markets are greed and fear. They make you hope or scared. The problem is that we tend to use them wrong. We are hoping when we are in a losing trade and scared to give back profits when in a winner. We should do the oposite!!! 😲
Be scared to lose more in a losing trade and hope for a bigger winner when in profit. This is needed to give winners more room ( let them run).
I belive that alot of traders lose because they use the wrong belive system when in a trade, which case the emotions that are not supporting them to win. Let me explain this: The primary emotions in the markets are greed and fear. They make you hope or scared. The problem is that we tend to use them wrong. We are hoping when we are in a losing trade and scared to give back profits when in a winner. We should do the oposite!!! 😲
Be scared to lose more in a losing trade and hope for a bigger winner when in profit. This is needed to give winners more room ( let them run).
Lose professionally!
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 22, 2011
4573 पोस्टों
Feb 13, 2017 at 07:51
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 22, 2011
4573 पोस्टों
scratty posted:
Try to start a new discussion/experiment about the importance of losing. Let's see where it goes and if it is worth keeping it up 😄
1st: "Trading is a 0-Sum Game." It is not true! Your broker is making $ in commissions regardless of you being on the winning/losing side of a trade.
Since with all the new technologies, fast internet connections and smartphones trading is easier (and more dangerous) than ever. I think that most of us lose because of overtrading.
The secret to win in this game is to not lose money. So first of all I recommend this experiment too all of you out there:
Every trade you don't make is "NOT LOSING MONEY". Next time you want to open a position and are not quite sure about it. Just leave it!!! 😲
Then pat yourself on the shoulders and feel good about not losing money. If not trading feels good you are starting to become more selective in your trading which will have a positive impact on your P&L.
Even though it sounds funny there is grain of salt on your advice
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 09, 2015
48 पोस्टों
Feb 13, 2017 at 11:09
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 09, 2015
48 पोस्टों
Losing is certainly part of the game and it can teach you how to win. In fact, everyone should trade just with the money that he/she is ready to lose. Such approach helps when dealing with anxiety in trading.
तबसे मेंबर है Dec 06, 2016
33 पोस्टों
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 22, 2011
4573 पोस्टों
Feb 20, 2017 at 08:41
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 22, 2011
4573 पोस्टों
alfredgervais16 posted:
failure is the key to success :)
end of failure is the key to cuccess
तबसे मेंबर है Jan 30, 2017
22 पोस्टों
Feb 20, 2017 at 12:23
तबसे मेंबर है Jan 30, 2017
22 पोस्टों
Loosing is definitely a part of game. One who understands the fact of learning from losses, nothing can hold him back from winning further. Emotional trading affected by greed and fear can definitely be the one of the main cause of loosing trades. But controlling them and utilizing in a right direction can help you win. Lose a certain amount professionally is healthy an can help build big gains at later stage.

तबसे मेंबर है Aug 07, 2016
10 पोस्टों
Feb 21, 2017 at 08:06
तबसे मेंबर है Aug 07, 2016
10 पोस्टों
Of course losing is part of the game, only you should not grab the love to lose 😁
I agree that you can not open a trade until you are unsure of it, do not take false steps. It is better to invest insurance, every business has its degree of analysis.
I agree that you can not open a trade until you are unsure of it, do not take false steps. It is better to invest insurance, every business has its degree of analysis.

तबसे मेंबर है Oct 31, 2016
36 पोस्टों
Feb 26, 2017 at 06:52
तबसे मेंबर है Oct 31, 2016
36 पोस्टों
We have to accept that you can not always win.
But the key to self-confidence and success is to prepare yourself every day until you know how to react in a timely manner to any unforeseen events. Always look at your good experiences. Successful people with a high level of self-confidence tend to have a positive and optimistic attitude. 😀
But the key to self-confidence and success is to prepare yourself every day until you know how to react in a timely manner to any unforeseen events. Always look at your good experiences. Successful people with a high level of self-confidence tend to have a positive and optimistic attitude. 😀

तबसे मेंबर है Dec 06, 2016
37 पोस्टों
Feb 27, 2017 at 21:58
तबसे मेंबर है Dec 06, 2016
37 पोस्टों
Sometimes you win sometimes you lose but a big one never goes down. 😉

तबसे मेंबर है Oct 03, 2016
8 पोस्टों
Mar 23, 2017 at 07:59
तबसे मेंबर है Oct 03, 2016
8 पोस्टों
Traders who have real success know that trading is a game of odds, and in the long run, if you stick to your strategies and use healthy strategies with which you conform, you are likely to succeed. To be a successful trader, you should never enter a position that could jeopardize substantial capital. In fact, very rarely will you find an operator who risks more than 10% of its capital in an operation, and 10% is already extremely high. For example, if you deposit $ 25,000 into your trading account, your maximum loss should be $ 2,500, ie a maximum loss of 250 pips for a standard lot of 100,000 units (for a EUR / USD transaction for example) . Generally, try to risk more than 2 to 5% of the capital you have available.
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 02, 2017
32 पोस्टों
Apr 11, 2017 at 08:13
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 02, 2017
32 पोस्टों
de878 posted:
Some of the best traders got rich with Forex trading, earning less than 40% of the time. However, other people did not risk so much and still do not earn enough to make a net profit. The trick is to take intelligent and healthy risks that produce high yields that outweigh its risks. You will need to have an organized approach to winning as a Forex trader
Indeed one needs to have a disciplined approach to their make way in Forex trading. Risks is inevitable but always take a calculated risk and follow a trading strategy to get the best results from the opportunity.
तबसे मेंबर है Apr 12, 2017
5 पोस्टों
May 11, 2017 at 12:58
तबसे मेंबर है Apr 06, 2017
9 पोस्टों
Loses are inevitable and part of every business. But the intensity of loss can be reduced with proper risk management. True above said that high risk leads to high profits and without certain degree of risk profits cannot be earned. Losing professionally is not bad for trades; instead a trader must learn from his own losses and boost his trading further. A loss can also acts as a motivational factor when utilize in right direction.
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 22, 2011
4573 पोस्टों
May 12, 2017 at 13:40
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 22, 2011
4573 पोस्टों
FernandoDemata posted:
I think the whole point of becoming a pro is to make Forex trading NOT exciting. Then you are calm and can make good decisions
That is very true, if you remove all fun from trading you became profitable
or you became a trading robot :)
तबसे मेंबर है Jun 08, 2014
104 पोस्टों
May 13, 2017 at 12:03
तबसे मेंबर है Jun 08, 2014
104 पोस्टों
togr posted:alfredgervais16 posted:
failure is the key to success :)
end of failure is the key to cuccess
Failure is the mother of success . That is one of chinese proverbs .
Often , the best trade is no trade at all

*व्यवसायिक इस्तेमाल और स्पैम को ब्रदाश नहीं किया जाएगा, और इसका परिणाम खाता को बन्द करना भी हो सकता है.
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टिप: @ चिन्ह को टाइप करें उपभोगता के नाम को अपने आप करने के लिए जो इस चर्चा में भाग ले रहा है.