Buzyka1305 trader's profile


नाम Buzyka1305

"Working on mainstream tasks on www.sitecore.net project as a web developer: communicating with customers, discussing new features, implementation, releasing to production, improving continuous deployment process and functionality. I take part in every step of a project lifecycle.

As team manager spending some part of working time for taking responsibilities related to building effective team and developing team members personalities: Team MBO ranking & quarter goals, personal communications inside Team etc., planning strategy of developing personalities and people growth.

Active using of Software Development Methodologies: Agile Scrum, Kanban."

ट्रेड की तरीका:
विस्तृत नहीं है

विस्तृत नहीं है

अनुभव 5 सालों से अधिक


वाउचर 0

पंजीकृत Jul 05, 2014 at 16:25

उपभोगताओं को ब्लॉक कर दिया है 0

अभी की फीडस की गतिविधि.

उपभोगता ने अभी तक पोस्ट नहीं#39;t किया है.


Systems by Buzyka1305

यह उपभोगता फिलहाल कोई भी सिस्टम नहीं शेयर करता है.