fayalac trader's profile


नाम fayalac

I started trading many years ago, lookiking for a different source of income, the path has been hard but being consistent on my goals, i have developed a very profitable method

ट्रेड की तरीका:
Regression, TMA, RSI, MACD, i am a trend chaser, my style is basically scalping, but because of the average duration time of my trades, no broker consider this as scalping...

Try hard..., try harder...., harder

अनुभव 5 सालों से अधिक


वाउचर 0

पंजीकृत Jul 19, 2011 at 00:30

उपभोगताओं को ब्लॉक कर दिया है 0

अभी की फीडस की गतिविधि.

उपभोगता ने अभी तक पोस्ट नहीं#39;t किया है.


Systems by fayalac

यह उपभोगता फिलहाल कोई भी सिस्टम नहीं शेयर करता है.