Rebate Army स्कोरों को रिव्यू करें

कुल मिला के स्कोर: 2.8 / 5

सारे वोट: 6
आसानी से इस्तेमाल
ग्राहक सेवा
1 - सर्वाधिक बुरा 5 - सर्व-श्रेष्ठ

Rebate Army चर्चा करें

11 पोस्टों
Just thought I would give an update on Rebate Army, I'm still receiving my rebates on time, and their customer service is brilliant

8 पोस्टों
This company works very very well for me and they pay my rebates straight into my trading account every month. Well Done to the Rebate Army team😀

1 पोस्टों
I have not long joined up with Rebate Army but already i've been very impressed with the service and the efficiency of this rebate company!!
11 पोस्टों
This is my first post and I would like to say how efficient Rebate Army are for paying on time, I had to wait until my rebates reached $250 but as soon as it did they paid :)
कॉमेंट करने के लिए कृपया लॉगइन करें .