Feb 13, 2018 at 06:28
1,039 개의 뷰
22 Replies
Aug 27, 2017 부터 멤버   게시물994
Jun 10, 2018 at 06:19
maria_taylor posted:
nasrul_poyo posted:
For me, if you have so much money to start with, just invest to several brokers and not only choose 1 broker. I prefer to choose broker with regulated from FCA.
I don't understand why we should trade with multiple brokers. Can you please explain why one broker is not enough to trade with?

Maybe he is not getting all of expected facilities in one broker. Otherwise, he is not sure about the transparency of his 1st broker.
Feb 12, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물427
Jun 14, 2018 at 11:41
maria_taylor posted:
nasrul_poyo posted:
For me, if you have so much money to start with, just invest to several brokers and not only choose 1 broker. I prefer to choose broker with regulated from FCA.
I don't understand why we should trade with multiple brokers. Can you please explain why one broker is not enough to trade with?
It is not a must actually, but this way you can practically compare trading conditions, spreads, etc.. Some brokers attract with bonuses, others with low spreads and commissions... it all differs. Thus you can choose with whom you'd prefer to stick to :)

Maybe he is not getting all of expected facilities in one broker. Otherwise, he is not sure about the transparency of his 1st broker.
Accept the loss as experience
Apr 18, 2017 부터 멤버   게시물718
Dec 25, 2018 at 13:30
TiffanyK posted:
maria_taylor posted:
nasrul_poyo posted:
For me, if you have so much money to start with, just invest to several brokers and not only choose 1 broker. I prefer to choose broker with regulated from FCA.
I don't understand why we should trade with multiple brokers. Can you please explain why one broker is not enough to trade with?
It is not a must actually, but this way you can practically compare trading conditions, spreads, etc.. Some brokers attract with bonuses, others with low spreads and commissions... it all differs. Thus you can choose with whom you'd prefer to stick to :)

Maybe he is not getting all of expected facilities in one broker. Otherwise, he is not sure about the transparency of his 1st broker.

There is no guarantee in financial market. This is why, I also appreciate this thinking, I mean trading with multiple trading brokers after research.
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