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News trading is very tempting
Jul 21, 2021 at 19:53
May 13, 2020 부터 멤버
News constantly affects price movement, and if you think that you are not trading news, then anyway, this is not true. The news background can be more saturated or scarce in terms of events. It is more important to understand the consequences that are caused by news and events, to analyze their impact on the financial environment.
The success is mine
Jul 20, 2021 부터 멤버
Jul 21, 2021 at 23:30
Jul 20, 2021 부터 멤버
I think it's important to understand that news exists. But all the people on here saying that YOU HAVE TO TRADE THE NEWS or that trading news is best, they're just plain wrong. Example: New trader sees a nice setup, news is about to hit. They avoid the trade due to possible volatility. I think it's so funny watching people who know nothing give advice. THERE IS NO BEST WAY TO TRADE, I REPEAT, THERE IS NO BEST WAY TO TRADE. smh
Jul 24, 2021 at 10:37
Mar 28, 2021 부터 멤버
@winning_trades During news release time, market moves a lot. But trading during this time is not a good idea. During this time market becomes most unpredictable. If you are not very expert, it's better to stay away from trading during this time.
Aug 30, 2021 at 00:12
Apr 03, 2021 부터 멤버
Indeed news impact could make prices movement become very high volatility, but this condition is often dangerous, because sometimes traders needs to pay attention to the risk and put stop loss, high volatility market maybe hit stop0 loss and then continue to target, there are trader technical based trading prefer to stay away from news trading because they felt uncertain market.
Feb 06, 2021 부터 멤버
Aug 31, 2021 at 19:21
Feb 06, 2021 부터 멤버
News trading is tempting indeed, but you've got to avoid this temptation unless you are good at analysing the news and doing fundamental analysis. However, sometimes there are moments when everybody can try their hands in news trading. I am talking about non-farm payrolls trading. You can read different analytics and try to make your own decision which is closer to your vision of the market and its driving forces. More than that, there are some news that cannot be excluded from your decision making process even if you have never traded news, here I am talking about the news which are connected to the oil prices. Some of the news are so important that they affect the market dramaticaly (remember the beginning of 2020), but again, these are the news that everybody is talking about but not some daily informational noise.
Jul 20, 2020 부터 멤버
May 19, 2020 부터 멤버
Sep 01, 2021 at 10:28
May 19, 2020 부터 멤버
- Study the political and economic details and processes that can influence news releases.
- Consider all possible scenarios in advance.
- Calculate in advance all the possible risks associated with these scenarios.
- Trade according to a plan and with strict risk control.
- Do not try to catch what has already been missed. Or wait for the secondary market reaction.
- Consider all possible scenarios in advance.
- Calculate in advance all the possible risks associated with these scenarios.
- Trade according to a plan and with strict risk control.
- Do not try to catch what has already been missed. Or wait for the secondary market reaction.
Sep 01, 2021 부터 멤버
Sep 01, 2021 at 11:25
Sep 01, 2021 부터 멤버
MarcellusLux posted:
- Study the political and economic details and processes that can influence news releases.
- Consider all possible scenarios in advance.
- Calculate in advance all the possible risks associated with these scenarios.
- Trade according to a plan and with strict risk control.
- Do not try to catch what has already been missed. Or wait for the secondary market reaction.
Easier said than done. How exactly do you do the things listed and how to you then use that information to make trading decisions.
Sep 02, 2021 at 06:12
Jun 17, 2020 부터 멤버
Although news trading can significantly strengthen the trading strategy by adding fundamental analysis to the technical approach, it is not very easy to follow. One needs to keep updated with recent changes in the market and should align it with economic indicators.
Sep 02, 2021 at 06:26
Dec 09, 2013 부터 멤버
UweMoench posted:
News trading is very tempting but for good for everyone. For news trading you need good knowledge on both technical and fundamental analysis. Otherwise most of the time you would lose money in news trading.
News trading is very tempting. It is very risky as well. Traders are to be very careful with news trading. Proper money management is needed with adequate knowledge about news trading.
May 19, 2020 부터 멤버
Sep 02, 2021 at 09:15
May 19, 2020 부터 멤버
cranberrythekid posted:MarcellusLux posted:
- Study the political and economic details and processes that can influence news releases.
- Consider all possible scenarios in advance.
- Calculate in advance all the possible risks associated with these scenarios.
- Trade according to a plan and with strict risk control.
- Do not try to catch what has already been missed. Or wait for the secondary market reaction.
Easier said than done. How exactly do you do the things listed and how to you then use that information to make trading decisions.
Which of the following are you specifically interested in?
Perhaps I have already answered a similar question on the forum.
Everyone can contact me and I will answer if possible. Welcome.
Mar 17, 2021 부터 멤버
Jan 12, 2022 at 08:57
Aug 16, 2019 부터 멤버
Actually, as far as I concerned there are several techniques of news trading. Firstly, yu have to classify the news on two categories: unexpected and periodic ones.
Then, you have to check both categories, periodic are being repeated day by day, while you have to really ready for unexpected ones. Periodic news implies the news connected with interest rate, it happens once per five year if I'm not mistaken. Unexpected news appear quite unexpectedly, that's why they have such a name.
In my opinion, here fundamental analysis prevails over technical ones, however it's required to know the basics of boths ones.
Then, you have to check both categories, periodic are being repeated day by day, while you have to really ready for unexpected ones. Periodic news implies the news connected with interest rate, it happens once per five year if I'm not mistaken. Unexpected news appear quite unexpectedly, that's why they have such a name.
In my opinion, here fundamental analysis prevails over technical ones, however it's required to know the basics of boths ones.
Jan 13, 2022 at 20:31
Aug 27, 2020 부터 멤버
News trading is fine if you know what to do. That is ike everything in trading, I think. That is why before trading the news you'd better learn lots of fundamental stuff in order to know which news have the potential to affect the market and what kind of news is useless for the traders to make up some conclusions. The only thing I should say is that news trading can definetely bring the profits and make your trading results much better but suh a thing is much more complicated that technical analysis, from my perspective. So, I strongly recommend to stay away from the news if you don't know how to analze it properly.
Jan 18, 2022 at 06:06
Jan 10, 2022 부터 멤버
News trading is the act of buying and selling currencies after an important news announcement has been made. A trader should buy a currency following good news and sell after bad news, or vice versa. This is because an announcement can cause a major shift in the price of a currency, and if a trader acts quickly enough, they can make substantial profits.
Apr 09, 2019 부터 멤버
Jan 21, 2022 at 21:03
Sep 16, 2020 부터 멤버
Oh yes, there is always a feeling of the lost opportunities but such a feeling appears only restrospectively. I always think that this or that event has undoubtedly a potential to influence the market but when I realise that, it is too late. Anyway, I try to concentrate on technical analysis because news trading looks too difficult for me.
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