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PBS Frontline - The Crash
Jan 21, 2015 at 20:49
Jun 10, 2012 부터 멤버
Here's a good documentary on PBS Frontline - The Crash.
The Thai Baht vs USD. George Soros, Bill Clinton, Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, et al.
Why pegging to another currency is not good fiscal & monetary policy?! It happens over and over again.
Another video article from Mike Maloney of WealthCycles regarding the Swiss Franc & the very hubris SNB.
PBS Frontline - The Crash at
Mike Maloney at
The Thai Baht vs USD. George Soros, Bill Clinton, Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, et al.
Why pegging to another currency is not good fiscal & monetary policy?! It happens over and over again.
Another video article from Mike Maloney of WealthCycles regarding the Swiss Franc & the very hubris SNB.
PBS Frontline - The Crash at
Mike Maloney at
Buy Low...Sell High...Buy High...Sell Higher...Sell Low...Buy Lower !!!

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