Alert basic foundation

Feb 24, 2010 at 14:36
1,100 개의 뷰
1 Replies
Nov 20, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물20
Feb 24, 2010 at 14:36
What's up traders? when you read this stop take a look in the mirror and ask yourself am I well informed, the first place you need to start is not even trade related contrary to the popular belief, start by doing 10 push up's in the morning at the same time for one month, well look 99% of trading is mental , so if you can't be consistant in push up's or something similar like putting on your shoes that you don't wear at the same time in the morning then getting dressed how can you beat a 3 TRILLION $$$ a day market? that's an avg of $800,000,000.00 every 8 hrs, I'm encouraging you to be the best and the best do what other don't and won't do, once you have mastered that then start out with trading terms and find out what those terms mean...then holla back!!!!
Early Birds get the worms!!!
Nov 20, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물20
Mar 02, 2010 at 13:35
I knew this would not get too many replies, because people are too eager to get money now, this is not the NBA or a record label stop living in fantacy land!!! most people have robot's trading for them, or they just jump into trading with out a business plan in place, that's why over 80% or traders experience heavy drawdowns, but I bet you $100 that if I posted a question saying 'what is the best indicator to trade a one hour chat' or 'does this pattern look like a inverse head and shoulders and what the best moving average to trade it?' I would have everybody and their mom trying to give advice, then you look a their record and they have a 77% drawdown but a 100,000% increase something is really wrong with that picture. I'm speaking in gerenal terms, so if you get mad than it applies to you, I was foolish thinking I could help a trader learn the basics, things that I had to learn the had to learn the hard way, I already gave out some info that is priceless, this my last post, see me at the top😎😂
Early Birds get the worms!!!
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