Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?

Jul 30, 2012 at 11:35
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Dec 13, 2012 부터 멤버   게시물35
Jan 14, 2015 at 15:59
the point is profiitble month, per profitable month. Why doublle in 2 weeks if you can do this in example 1 month.... also 200usd isnt serious money to start forex.
Feb 13, 2018 부터 멤버   게시물4
Feb 14, 2018 at 08:05
James_Bond posted:

TheLastBear posted:
I am wondering how many of you think they can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks? How would go about doing that?

Sure, give me $400 😀

Kidding aside, what would be the point? Sustaining such returns for long term is impossible.

Very funny boos
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