Guide For beginers

Jan 20 at 08:34
682 개의 뷰
8 Replies
Jan 19, 2024 부터 멤버   게시물6
Jan 20 at 08:34

ADX: Average Directional Index
AUD: Australian Dollar
BOS: Break of Structure
BoE: Bank of England
BoJ: Bank of Japan
CAD: Canadian Dollar
CFTC: Commodity Futures Trading Commission
CPI: Consumer Price Index
D1: Daily time frame
ECB: European Central Bank
EMA: Exponential Moving Average
EUR: Euro
FOMC: Federal Open Market Committee
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
GBP: British Pound
H1: 1-hour time frame
H4: 4-hour time frame
JPY: Japanese Yen
LP: Liquidity Provider
MACD: Moving Average Convergence Divergence
M1: 1-minute time frame
M5: 5-minute time frame
M15: 15-minute time frame
M30: 30-minute time frame
MM: Market Maker
MN: Monthly time frame
NDD: No Dealing Desk
NFA: National Futures Association
NFP: Non-Farm Payrolls
NZD: New Zealand Dollar
OTC: Over-the-Counter
PIP: Percentage in Point
RSI: Relative Strength Index
SL: Stop Loss
SMA: Simple Moving Average
SNB: Swiss National Bank
STP: Straight Through Processing
TP: Take Profit
TP/SL: Take Profit and Stop Loss
TP1, TP2, TP3: First, Second, and Third Take Profit levels
SL1, SL2, SL3: First, Second, and Third Stop Loss levels
USD: United States Dollar
W1: Weekly time frame
Oct 29, 2022 부터 멤버   게시물1
Jan 21 at 08:33

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Nov 06, 2023 부터 멤버   게시물9
Jan 22 at 12:27
Very nice quick reference. I printed it out!
May 02, 2022 부터 멤버   게시물38
Jan 25 at 07:04
@HenryFxtrader Thank you for sharing this!!
Feb 02, 2024 부터 멤버   게시물23
Feb 07 at 07:10
Grateful for the insightful guide! 🙏 Your comprehensive tips for beginners are invaluable. Thanks for sharing your expertise on this
Dec 14, 2023 부터 멤버   게시물1
Mar 01 at 15:30
Thanks Henry. This is very helpful..lg
Feb 22, 2024 부터 멤버   게시물26
Mar 10 at 23:49
Hi! Just checked out this guide for beginners, and it's been a game-changer for me in navigating the forex world. The emphasis on risk management and understanding market trends really hit home. Any other practical tips or experiences you'd share for someone starting out?
Apr 14, 2022 부터 멤버   게시물41
Mar 14 at 11:02
Thank you @HenryFxtrader for sharing. Very helful!
Feb 22, 2024 부터 멤버   게시물26
Mar 19 at 22:40
Thanks for sharing this. Actually, it clarifies some abbreviations.
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