Have a plan and stick to it

Apr 10, 2016 at 18:42
4,330 개의 뷰
78 Replies
May 11, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물45
Apr 10, 2016 at 18:42
Money management is the greatest tool of all for new traders

#forex #trading #pips #markets #finance Do you want to learn to trade all types of markets with proper money management, risk reward trades and excellent monthly returns? Then check out this below.....

Just thought Id write an email after last weeks trading to see if people can cope and manage their losing trades correctly.

Do you have a set risk reward setup, calculate your trades correctly so you not always just entering at 0.1, 0.5 or 1.0 or whatever size you trade. Do you calculate the size of your account and work out what lot size you should be trading based on your stop loss, risk amount and account balance. If your not then you really should be. People ask for a win/loss ratio on trades and this really does not matter or have any influence on how much money/percentage return you make each month and year. You can actually lose almost 60% of your trades and still make an excellent return each and every month. So I just want to remind all you traders, make sure you have a plan and stick to it DO NOT deviate from this. Working this way means as you have a few losing trades your risking a % of your lower account balance each time, and as the winners come and the account grows your risking a % of the larger account and this is what allows it to grow.

So stop thinking about how many losing trades you have, simply make sure that your risk reward is correct and if you can get anything above 50/50 then you will guarantee to make money and a good living if you can do this consistently.

Next I want to look over a couple of charts that you may want to look at yourselves and also show the kind of thing we look at every time in our webinars to plan our next few trades in the week ahead. Also dont just enter a trade because price has hit a certain area, get some confirmation of price action 1st, this will save you entering and guessing of just anticipation, this is not trading but simply gambling if no predetermined risk.

EUR/USD https://clip2net.com/s/3wJvUc1 weekly view

AUD/USD https://clip2net.com/s/3wJxgvT daily view

GBP/USD https://clip2net.com/s/3wJzf7p daily view

GBP/AUD https://clip2net.com/s/3wJBe2e daily view

Do you look this deeply into your trades before entering them? Do you then calculate your risk reward ratio? Then calculate what size you should be trading on your account size and what risk you should risk on each trade? If you are not doing these things then your going to get swallowed up in the forex world and find it very tough to make money trading these highly volatile markets.

If this is something you would be interested in, not going for 20-30 or 40% a month, but trading exactly how money managers and funds trade looking for great reward trades and making 4-10% a month (10% on good months - not often) so achieving apprx 50-60% a year entering trades 10-15 minutes a day then we can offer that.

Wish you all a Happy Trading week and should you have any questions please email or skype me with the details below :-


Little John
Dec 11, 2015 부터 멤버   게시물1462
Apr 12, 2016 at 09:30
Sticking to one's plan is one of the most important lessons new traders learn. Doing otherwise is usually a recipe for disaster.
Jun 07, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물16
Apr 13, 2016 at 06:13
I think having plan is very good for trading but sometimes you have to be versatile and should make changes in your plan according to market conditions.
Apr 09, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물419
Apr 13, 2016 at 06:17
Sticking to a plan is something essential. You know exactly what you did and that gives you the opportunity to analyze it and be better next time :)
Dec 11, 2015 부터 멤버   게시물1462
Apr 13, 2016 at 08:52
idimitrov posted:
Sticking to a plan is something essential. You know exactly what you did and that gives you the opportunity to analyze it and be better next time :)

Indeed, especially if you make a mistake somewhere or if the plan itself is flawed. One should always take that into consideration too.
Apr 09, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물419
Apr 30, 2016 at 20:52
unfortunately not many traders have a journal
Dec 11, 2015 부터 멤버   게시물1462
May 03, 2016 at 09:52
idimitrov posted:
unfortunately not many traders have a journal

True, I didn't have a journal for the longest time, it didn't even occur to me that I should have one.
Dec 06, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물37
Feb 26, 2017 at 06:58
mlawson71 posted:
idimitrov posted:
unfortunately not many traders have a journal

True, I didn't have a journal for the longest time, it didn't even occur to me that I should have one.

Exactly, the trading journal is a great tool to help you become a better Forex trader. Be sure to record all your operations and the reason you opened them. Later on you will be able to see this and evaluate your operations and observe how far you have progressed. I have seen my trading records and have been able to realize how much I have really grown as a forex trader.
Feb 12, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물507
Feb 27, 2017 at 09:54
There was a saying I have found in forums: "Plan your trades and trade your plan"
Simply like that :)
Dec 06, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물37
Feb 27, 2017 at 20:11
An advice..
Do not be tempted to trade in the Forex market in an impulsive way. Have a plan and stick to it. Impulsive trading will most likely lead to losses. If you stick to your plan, you can limit your risk and your losses, and be there to jump off the profitable paths when they come along.

Remember that the forex market operates 24 hours a day. Operators can operate at any time of day or night. There are some ideal times for trade and times should be identified. When the market is more active you will have the highest trading volume
Oct 02, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물8
Mar 23, 2017 at 07:49
Never go to a negotiation without studying your lesson at home. There are many facts you need to discover before you start negotiating. For example: How many options does your opponent have? What pressures are you suffering? Does your contact have a deadline to solve your problem? What is your budget? When you plan, stress and stress decrease. The stage becomes more familiar and several new options emerge before your eyes. Thus, you will face quieter and more confident any negotiation.
Feb 12, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물394
Mar 24, 2017 at 06:55
Well the point is to have a plan and stick to it. If you have to change something – that should be the plan, after that – you stick to the new one again and etc…
Accept the loss as experience
Dec 11, 2015 부터 멤버   게시물1462
Mar 25, 2017 at 10:34
Indeed. Having a plan doesn't mean that plan is immutable. If you see it's flawed of course you have to change it in order to improve it. People say "Stick to the plan!" but often forget to mention that plan is always subject to improvement if necessary.
Oct 21, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물9
Mar 26, 2017 at 07:32
The professionals work with strict rules of technical operation, money management, pre - in and post market routines. Without this element a trader is drifting. The trading plan is much more than a printed document with a number of rules. It is a tool to build an adequate performance improvement process, based on the establishment and practice of clear and precise rules for analyzing, making decisions, operating, managing, evaluating and enhancing your trader skills to translate said organized effort into profit Tangible in the growth of your account. The trader who does not have a trading plan is simply improvising in the markets and will not perform well in the long run.
Dec 11, 2015 부터 멤버   게시물1462
Jun 10, 2017 at 11:57
oscarbc posted:
The professionals work with strict rules of technical operation, money management, pre - in and post market routines. Without this element a trader is drifting. The trading plan is much more than a printed document with a number of rules. It is a tool to build an adequate performance improvement process, based on the establishment and practice of clear and precise rules for analyzing, making decisions, operating, managing, evaluating and enhancing your trader skills to translate said organized effort into profit Tangible in the growth of your account. The trader who does not have a trading plan is simply improvising in the markets and will not perform well in the long run.

There are probably some people who improvise who do well in the long run, but the majority of us would struggle with it. That's why it's better to play it safer and rely on a trading plan, rather than one's daily whims.
Apr 17, 2017 부터 멤버   게시물5
Jun 15, 2017 at 10:14
Most people need a plan to keep them on track.... I could do with one for my life in general!
Feb 22, 2011 부터 멤버   게시물4573
Jun 15, 2017 at 11:54
chrish9070 posted:
Money management is the greatest tool of all for new traders

#forex #trading #pips #markets #finance Do you want to learn to trade all types of markets with proper money management, risk reward trades and excellent monthly returns? Then check out this below.....

Just thought Id write an email after last weeks trading to see if people can cope and manage their losing trades correctly.

Do you have a set risk reward setup, calculate your trades correctly so you not always just entering at 0.1, 0.5 or 1.0 or whatever size you trade. Do you calculate the size of your account and work out what lot size you should be trading based on your stop loss, risk amount and account balance. If your not then you really should be. People ask for a win/loss ratio on trades and this really does not matter or have any influence on how much money/percentage return you make each month and year. You can actually lose almost 60% of your trades and still make an excellent return each and every month. So I just want to remind all you traders, make sure you have a plan and stick to it DO NOT deviate from this. Working this way means as you have a few losing trades your risking a % of your lower account balance each time, and as the winners come and the account grows your risking a % of the larger account and this is what allows it to grow.

So stop thinking about how many losing trades you have, simply make sure that your risk reward is correct and if you can get anything above 50/50 then you will guarantee to make money and a good living if you can do this consistently.

Next I want to look over a couple of charts that you may want to look at yourselves and also show the kind of thing we look at every time in our webinars to plan our next few trades in the week ahead. Also dont just enter a trade because price has hit a certain area, get some confirmation of price action 1st, this will save you entering and guessing of just anticipation, this is not trading but simply gambling if no predetermined risk.

EUR/USD https://clip2net.com/s/3wJvUc1 weekly view

AUD/USD https://clip2net.com/s/3wJxgvT daily view

GBP/USD https://clip2net.com/s/3wJzf7p daily view

GBP/AUD https://clip2net.com/s/3wJBe2e daily view

Do you look this deeply into your trades before entering them? Do you then calculate your risk reward ratio? Then calculate what size you should be trading on your account size and what risk you should risk on each trade? If you are not doing these things then your going to get swallowed up in the forex world and find it very tough to make money trading these highly volatile markets.

If this is something you would be interested in, not going for 20-30 or 40% a month, but trading exactly how money managers and funds trade looking for great reward trades and making 4-10% a month (10% on good months - not often) so achieving apprx 50-60% a year entering trades 10-15 minutes a day then we can offer that.

Wish you all a Happy Trading week and should you have any questions please email or skype me with the details below :-


Little John

well your statement of safe trading with gain like 4-10% a month
sounds very good
But your words would have more weight if you have profitable account to support your statement. Which obviously you dont.
This user doesn't share any systems currently.

My advice to newbies dont waste your time to anyone without proven and profitable track record.
Jul 19, 2020 부터 멤버   게시물283
Sep 14, 2020 at 12:07
Yes, you are right. i always try to do that. One plan, one strategy. Though it doesnt work all the time, it helps to earn money most of the time.
Jul 20, 2020 부터 멤버   게시물286
Sep 15, 2020 at 01:39
It is not possible to make a profit in trading without a plan. Many traders trade without any planning but cannot retain that profit. By trading plan, I mean money management, good strategy, risk management, trading discipline, etc. Where to use stop loss, where to enter the trade, how to manage the trade, how many risk rewards to use, if you do not know how to make a profit. These things have to be done according to the plan before trading.
Aug 05, 2019 부터 멤버   게시물49
Sep 15, 2020 at 05:29
Sticking to a trading plans really helps a trader to become disciplined and profitable.
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