EmpWaveEA etc. (에 의해 pen2464)

: 게인 -28.38%
드로다운 94.19%
핍스: 2484.0
거래 1721
원 :
: 종류 리얼
레버리지: 1:300
거래 : 자동화

EmpWaveEA etc. 토론

Apr 15, 2011 at 08:08
983 개의 뷰
1 Replies
Oct 19, 2011 부터 멤버   게시물3
Jan 13, 2012 at 09:09
What is this? I searched EmpWaveEA and didn't find much information. What type of strategy it uses?
Apr 15, 2011 부터 멤버   게시물7
Jan 13, 2012 at 13:19
EmpWaveEA is Free EA.
First, we should open an account.
This EA will not work on other accounts and broker.
Developer is ill health.
And no responce.
So now you can not get it.

This is scalping EA on Asian opening.
I will stop it when the day after FOMC-Day and that day.

Best regards
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