Gold High Cent (에 의해 acealert)
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Gold High Cent 토론
Aug 12, 2020 at 13:34
Aug 12, 2020 부터 멤버
I was just exploring, wish to know which account you use for your trades with GPS forex robot, like
zero spread
i see all your trades have fixed pip and profit.
Which Is better fbs or ic markets ?
As these two suit my pyt deposit and withdrawl methods.
Jul 20, 2019 부터 멤버
Oct 15, 2020 at 05:35
Feb 26, 2014 부터 멤버
marco_mmbiz posted:
Cool, thanks for connecting your account. I'm curious about the results in a few months.
I just found this. Hey, that is great and I will follow with curiosity.
I bought one of these years ago and never really used it because there is a lot of downside risk. But then, the long term results speak for themselves.
Please keep us updated.

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