MQLme Expert Advisor (에 의해 MQLme)
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MQLme Expert Advisor 토론
Sep 01, 2016 at 21:16
Jun 02, 2016 부터 멤버
@parlavink As you can see in the trade history sometimes there are 4 consecutive wining trades too.
Second trade is for such situations when the first TP does not hit.
We always try our best to improve the results.
Thanks for your supports.
Second trade is for such situations when the first TP does not hit.
We always try our best to improve the results.
Thanks for your supports.
Sep 07, 2016 at 13:44
Jun 02, 2016 부터 멤버
zilong posted:
Hi @MQLme , I have been concerned about this EA. I want to make sure a problem now :
This EA's orders will be close manually (your analyst) in some cases . That is, its actual transactions and back-test records will be different?
Dear @zilong
You are right. In these cases the back test result would be different but please notice that it rarely happens that a position get closed manually by our analyst.
Sep 08, 2016 at 06:37
Jun 02, 2016 부터 멤버
Sunnyday posted:
so it is not fully automatic?
The client side EA is completely automatic. Our master EA is automatic too but our analysts decide about the trading sessions and also may limit the trades direction. They also take care about the market news and apply emergency exit if necessary.
Sep 08, 2016 at 07:23
Jun 02, 2016 부터 멤버
zilong posted:
@MQLme , thank you for reply. In the back-test your record shows that relative drawdown reached 54.10% use of risk15. In real account, how many maxdrawdown do your analysts control?
Since we are using Risk 30 for our live test we may have DD more than that. There is no fixed limit. It completely depends on the market conditions.
For default Risk which is 10, the max DD would be about 30%.
Sep 08, 2016 부터 멤버
Sep 08, 2016 at 15:15
Sep 08, 2016 부터 멤버
Interesting EA. Would Tallinex be a suitable broker for this EA? I am thinking about starting a $500 account using this EA to see how it performs.
On the back test, when it was at a $500 account size, it was trading in 0.07/0.08 lot size.
So I might use the same risk size as the back test, which was 15 I think you said.
On the back test, when it was at a $500 account size, it was trading in 0.07/0.08 lot size.
So I might use the same risk size as the back test, which was 15 I think you said.
Sep 08, 2016 at 15:35
Jun 02, 2016 부터 멤버
PipsDearth posted:
Interesting EA. Would Tallinex be a suitable broker for this EA? I am thinking about starting a $500 account using this EA to see how it performs.
On the back test, when it was at a $500 account size, it was trading in 0.07/0.08 lot size.
So I might use the same risk size as the back test, which was 15 I think you said.
Thanks for your interest in Expert Advisor.
We have not tried Tallinex but our EA works with all MT4 account Types.
In order to use Risk 15 the recommended leverage is 1:100 or more.
Sep 09, 2016 at 07:01
Jun 02, 2016 부터 멤버
Sunnyday posted:
but the problem is that the ea on your side is not 100% automatic
This is how our EA works. The trades are opened automatically. There is never a single manual trade. As I said before the position may be managed by our group in case of emergency exit. Also they decide about trading sessions.
I understand what you mean but it's our strategy.
Sep 08, 2016 부터 멤버

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