FXCM Forex Contest June 2011
Prize places
Prize pool
Contest Starts
Jul 01, 2011, 11:00 AM
Contest Ends
Jul 31, 2011, 11:00 AM
*등록이 종료되었습니다
Competition Rules
Trading Rules
Forex Capital Markets Ltd. (“FXCM UK”) is an independent legal entity and is not affiliated with
Myfxbook. FXCM UK does not endorse any product or service described on this website. FXCM UK has not reviewed or verified any performance results presented on this website that does not pertain to the FXCM’s MT4 Demo contest.
제공되는 내용 및 상품은 거래에 대한 인센티브로 간주되어서는 안됩니다. 거래 준비가 되었다고 느낄 때만 거래 콘테스트에 참여하십시오.