I am the Master of my Fate, I am the Captain of my Soul.
Gaya perdagangan
Trend Follower. Technical Analysis. Charts.
The definition of a great investor is someone who starts by understanding the downside. You must make the judgement in advance as to how much downside risk you are willing to take.


Systems by cnaguit91

Nama Keuntungan Drawdown Pip Berdagang Leveraj Jenis
SultanFX 35.90% 2.36% 116.2 Manual 1:500 Nyata
LAW-LVL-2 16.00% 8.70% 800.0 Manual 1:500 Nyata
Sultan-S1-TF1 55.95% 82.20% 6019.0 - 1:400 Nyata

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