gilsapir86 trader's profile



Nama gilsapir86

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Berdaftar May 10, 2014 at 16:37

Pengguna yang disekat 0


Systems by gilsapir86

Nama Keuntungan Drawdown Pip Berdagang Leveraj Jenis
Forex Investing 23.03% 33.30% 122.0 Bercampur 1:100 Nyata
demo all 3k -99.90% 100.00% 57454.2 - 1:100 Demo


Nama Keuntungan Drawdown Pip Prestasi
AlgoSoft Mart +8315.88% 34.19 169424.9 AlgoSoft Mart performance
smarter in use +1154.9% 24.25 4138.8 smarter in use performance
forexalgotrading +24.11M% 30.81 214464.3 forexalgotrading performance
smarter with risk +32175.54% 36.35 17004.8 smarter with risk performance
smarter 2010-2017 +1481.3% 39.83 6016.4 smarter 2010-2017 performance
tmp try -crazy +1187.93% 34.18 15434.1 tmp try -crazy performance
try tmp 2 crazy +7371.98% 36.15 11112.4 try tmp 2 crazy performance
test eurusd +226.17% 4.72 11308.6 test eurusd performance
test 2 gbpusd +235.69% 3.17 23570.7 test 2 gbpusd performance
scalper_eurusd_gbp_use +2859.58% 26.02 14297.7 scalper_eurusd_gbp_use performance
spx500 +744.75% 3.50 2280171.0 spx500 performance
spx500 +649.25% 1.49 1997565.0 spx500 performance