Quantitative Trader - retired IT executive - have traded currencies for over 20 years (futures and FOREX) - MT4 EAs used are all self developed.
Gaya perdagangan
MT4 EAs - automated day trading using three pairs EUR/USD, EUR/JPY and USD/JPY. ------ 1. This system uses a Risk max. of 1% of equity on any trade. It is possible to vary this risk parameter with corresponding changes to P&L, return, drawdown, ave. win and ave. loss. 2. It is assumed that the account owner would withdraw any profits each and every month (no compounding). That, of course, is the account owner's decision. 3. Works on any account size from $5000 to whatever.
Manage risk - the rest will come.


Systems by jmbea

Nama Keuntungan Drawdown Pip Berdagang Leveraj Jenis
YES-bot 13.88% 8.54% 293.9 Automatik 1:50 Nyata
Contest - jmbea -1.05% 1.35% -3.6 - 1:400 Demo

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