scalptraderpro trader's profile



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Berdaftar Nov 14, 2015 at 18:26

Pengguna yang disekat 22


Systems by scalptraderpro

Nama Keuntungan Drawdown Pip Berdagang Leveraj Jenis
Scalp Trader PRO 858.31% 17.73% 896.4 Automatik 1:100 Nyata
rinus May 26, 2016 at 15:18
cgasucks: We are looking for an EA that at least trade ones a month. Unfortunately this EA hardly ever trade and awkwardly there is no money back guarantee on this product. We are close to halfway through this year and how does +0.18% profit for this year sound definitely not for a Forex automated product. I would like the Vendor to define soon to me because this soon is pretty exceptional.
tibobo Mar 07, 2016 at 08:09
I buy the EA in december, he doesn't work since 2 months.... can you me explain what are the differents indicators and condition you use for this EA? thanks
scalptraderpro Mar 08, 2016 at 08:31
It will work soon. Market conditions weren't right for it.
rinus Feb 12, 2016 at 06:48
The last trade was a losing trade on 08 Jan 2016. Is the EA switch off or is it normal for Scalptradepro not even to have one trade a month?
rinus Jun 15, 2016 at 09:24
Can the Vendor at least respond by tell if this account is still active and if so why is there no trades?
scalptraderpro Jun 15, 2016 at 18:13
The software is still active and operating and scanning for trades.