vesboltgroup trader's profile



Nama vesboltgroup


VESBOLT is an asset management group that thrives at the highest levels of proprietary trading. We work with advanced financial players in the industry, utilising expertise, experience and proprietary trading technologies to deliver maximum profits at minimal risk. VESBOLT has over 15 years of experience in offering private fund management services, and more than 20 years of experience in financial quantitative analytics and trading.

As an investor, you will find that when moneymaking brilliance combines with personalised solutions, your dreams can become reality. Join us on this exciting journey to investment happiness!

Gaya perdagangan:
We currently offer 10 portfolios that clients can choose from, VB Semi-HFT, VB Berkeley, VB Victorious, VB PrimeFactor, VB Inspecto, VB Elitist, VB Profiteer, VB Hypergain, VB Optimal and VB Dynamic. They employ a mix of both algorithm and manual trading methods as part of profit-making strategy.

Our portfolios provide investors with access to money markets, emphasising G10 currencies, commodities and indices. We aim for a total annualised return in excess of the benchmark over any 3-year rolling period, while preserving capital with a maximum drawdown of 20 – 40% of the capital (non guaranteed).

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Pengalaman Lebih dari 5 tahun


Penjamin 0

Berdaftar Feb 17, 2023 at 11:53

Pengguna yang disekat 0

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Systems by vesboltgroup

Nama Keuntungan Drawdown Pip Berdagang Leveraj Jenis
VB Newsflash 1839.70% 7.64% 67082.1 Manual 1:400 Nyata
VB Newsflash PFD 2.78% 11.56% -3533.5 Automatik 1:100 Nyata
Newsflash Tradeview 30.15% 8.57% 3974.8 Automatik 1:200 Nyata
Newsflash (Mix) Markets 0.18% 5.49% 325.8 Automatik 1:500 Nyata

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